SongKong Jaikoz

SongKong and Jaikoz Music Tagger Community Forum

Delete duplicates redux

I didn’t want to add on to the previous topic as there might be other with the same issue.

2 issues:

Issue 1:
There are 3 songs with the 02a31423-9169-47f4-8a80-a367b066b3ab:e2b8106e-5d9a-4d61-ab6b-9ca6c377d748:04:ecc99f0d-a5fc-4ed2-99df-faab357f15ad key

Keep G:\!SongKong\Billy Joel\Billy Joel - Goodnight Saigon(6).mp3

Deleted G:\!SongKong\Billy Joel\Billy Joel - Goodnight Saigon(2).mp3

Deleted G:\!SongKong\Billy Joel\Billy Joel - Goodnight Saigon(3).mp3

(6) is the kept one because it’s 256 bit vs 96, 128, and 160 bit for the rest.

There are 3 songs with the be1df30a-d45d-43cc-ba65-fa028d1e181c:e2b8106e-5d9a-4d61-ab6b-9ca6c377d748:04:ecc99f0d-a5fc-4ed2-99df-faab357f15ad key

Keep G:\!SongKong\Billy Joel\Billy Joel - Goodnight Saigon(8).mp3

Deleted G:\!SongKong\Billy Joel\Billy Joel - Goodnight Saigon(1).mp3

Deleted G:\!SongKong\Billy Joel\Billy Joel - Goodnight Saigon(4).mp3

(8) is kept, unknown reason why, it’s 128 bit and from the same album (The Nylon Curtain) and same track number (4) as the original file kept (6).

There are 2 songs with the 7f62464e-0785-487e-9ade-58ecc3a933cc:e2b8106e-5d9a-4d61-ab6b-9ca6c377d748:04:ecc99f0d-a5fc-4ed2-99df-faab357f15ad key

Keep G:\!SongKong\Billy Joel\Billy Joel - Goodnight Saigon(5).mp3

Deleted G:\!SongKong\Billy Joel\Billy Joel - Goodnight Saigon(7).mp3

(5) is kept, unknown reason why, it’s 128 bit and from the same album (The Nylon Curtain) and same track number (4) as the original file kept (6).

Issue 2:
Billy Joel - Goodnight Saigon.mp3 is off of a live album and not a duplicate but is not labeled as “live” even though Add EP, Single, Complication, Live and Remix release types to the release title is checked.

I’m using the following for Rename mask: Compilation rename mask: and Filename Masks:


  • ifnotempty2(artist,albumartist,’ - ')
  • title

What am I missing here?

[quote=Dyltone]I didn’t want to add on to the previous topic as there might be other with the same issue.
Yes thanks good to keep separate.

Issue 1
I’m not sure exactly what the issue is but I think I can explian the results.

So you have it set to mark as duplicate only if has same

MB Recordng Id
Track no
MB Release Id

Which might be overly restrictive.

I can see that your 8 songs are not identical, as there are three different sets of acoustids, so that is why you have three duplicate groupings, however all three acoustids map to the same recording id (and release id)


In the second two groupings if all the songs are actually identical then it doesnt really mater whihc one is kept does it ?

Issue 2:
Billy Joel - Goodnight Saigon.mp3 is off of a live album and not a duplicate but is not labeled as “live” even though Add EP, Single, Complication, Live and Remix release types to the release title is checked.[/quote]
This option relates to the album name not the song name, and will only add [live] to the album if the releasegroup that the release is part of within Musicbrainz has a secondary type of Live, which this one does not

Does that make sense ?

No, it doesn’t matter to me, but other than manually finding these anomalies, I have no way of finding them. For me, it shouldn’t be too hard since I dump all recordings in to a Artist folder but I could still have duplicates across multiple folders if multiple artists are involved. The real issue is with the second part:

Keeping with this example, (8) is the album version I want to keep, so after manually finding all other (*) recordings and deleting them, I simply can not name the actual song: Billy Joel - Goodnight Saigon.mp3 because the “live” version from another album is already taking this name.

Since the ID3 tag correctly tags this song as Live, I can again, manually identify the anomaly and fix it, but if I ever rescan, I will end up with the same issue.

Another example:

Billy Joel - Captain Jack (live).mp3 - My Lives (complication) album
Billy Joel - Captain Jack.mp3 - Songs in the Attic (live) album
Billy Joel - Captain Jack(1).mp3 - Piano Man album
Billy Joel - Captain Jack(2).mp3 - Complete Hits album
Billy Joel - Captain Jack(3).mp3 - Essential Billy Joel album
Billy Joel - Captain Jack(4).mp3 - The Stranger <-- not on this album
Billy Joel - Captain Jack(5).mp3 - Piano Man album
Billy Joel - Captain Jack(6).mp3 - Piano Man album
Billy Joel - Captain Jack(7).mp3 - The Stranger <-- not on this album
Billy Joel - Captain Jack(8).mp3 - The Stranger <-- not on this album

There are 2 songs with the eaf7c605-015d-4665-8773-422331501cf7:1986fca3-b291-44f6-b772-c963faa23be6:10:584a3887-c74e-4ff2-81e1-1620fbbe4f84 key

Keep G:\!SongKong\Billy Joel\Billy Joel - Captain Jack(6).mp3

Deleted G:\!SongKong\Billy Joel\Billy Joel - Captain Jack(5).mp3

There are 3 songs with the ecdc50bd-13fd-43ec-bd81-4073cb922235:9c6a4829-aa04-4efe-9548-5cbe430ad2dd:09:eb935580-a713-4044-af2b-f32f3ec505de key

Keep G:\!SongKong\Billy Joel\Billy Joel - Captain Jack(7).mp3

Deleted G:\!SongKong\Billy Joel\Billy Joel - Captain Jack(8).mp3

Deleted G:\!SongKong\Billy Joel\Billy Joel - Captain Jack(4).mp3

(live).mp3, .mp3, (1), (2), and (3) are not identified as duplicates, (6) is kept, and so is (7) and it’s not even a track on that album.

I’m so confused :-/

No, it doesn’t matter to me, but other than manually finding these anomalies, I have no way of finding them. For me, it shouldn’t be too hard since I dump all recordings in to a Artist folder but I could still have duplicates across multiple folders if multiple artists are involved. The real issue is with the second part:
It would help me if you could just asks me a direct question, I still don’t really know what you are getting at

Delete duplicates is about finding duplicates and then deleting all but the best quality one, do when you say you want to keep (8) it doesn’t quite make sense to me, why (8) rather than (1) or (4) they all have the same acoustid so should sound the same, unless one is a higher bit rate in which case SongKong always keeps the highest qualtity one.

Are you saying you just want to keep one of the eight songs, in which case you need to set the duplicate settings so that the eight songs are deemed to be a duplicate. So we can see from the keys that all eight songs have the same Musicbrainz Recording Id and Mb Release Id, just different Acoust Ids. So when you run Delete Duplicates just change the
Song is a Duplicate setting so that the Acoust Id checkbox is unchecked and you should end up with it grouping all eight songs as duplicates and deleting seven of the eight.

I think (1),(2),(3) are all from different albums, because you have SongKong configured to only mark as duplicate if have same Acoustid, Recording Id and Release Id they do not match any other songs on all three criteria and therefore are not marked as a duplicate.

I looked up one of the releases , and it is a bonus disc
which might be why you don’t think it is on the album, but it is.