SongKong Jaikoz

SongKong and Jaikoz Music Tagger Community Forum

Delete Duplicates does nothing?

I downloaded the Jaikoz trial because I’ve got a serious duplicates problem.

Delete duplicates showed a window saying it was checking songs… then the window disappeared. As far as I could tell, it did nothing.

I then had it retreive accoustic IDs for all the songs, thinking it would need this. This took all night with 4 cores enabled.

That done, I figured that feature would do something. Nope.

Delete duplicates still doesn’t do anything.

Any idea why?

A few ideas: I have some song with unicode characters in the path or file names. I tried moving them, though, and this still doesn’t work.

Additionally, if I filter by musicbrainz id does not exist… i get 1835 tracks. If I filter by does exist… I get 31.

Since most of my music isn’t super obscure, that strikes me as really weird.

Hi, sounds like you’ve run Retrieve Acoustic Ids this will add Puids, but havent run Correct from Musicbrainz this will add unique file ids.

You need either/both for delete duplicates to work because it works of these ids, you can specify exactly what in Preferences/Local/Delete Duplicates.

Its a little difficult to know exactly what youv’e done so far, would be alot easier if you could send me your support files using Advanced/Create Support Files

[quote=paultaylor]Hi, sounds like you’ve run Retrieve Acoustic Ids this will add Puids, but havent run Correct from Musicbrainz this will add unique file ids.

You need either/both for delete duplicates to work because it works of these ids, you can specify exactly what in Preferences/Local/Delete Duplicates.

Its a little difficult to know exactly what youv’e done so far, would be alot easier if you could send me your support files using Advanced/Create Support Files[/quote]

I haven’t run “Correct from Musicbrainz” because I didn’t want it to retag stuff. Will this just scan everything?

I haven’t run “Correct from Musicbrainz” because I didn’t want it to retag stuff. Will this just scan everything?[/quote]

Okay, so the best thing to do then is change Preferences/Local/Delete Duplicates/Song is a Duplicate If to It has the same AmpliFIND Id as another file and then rerun Delete Duplicates.

I haven’t run “Correct from Musicbrainz” because I didn’t want it to retag stuff. Will this just scan everything?[/quote]

Okay, so the best thing to do then is change Preferences/Local/Delete Duplicates/Song is a Duplicate If to It has the same AmpliFIND Id as another file and then rerun Delete Duplicates.[/quote]

That worked. I had wanted to do the extra careful check but that’s just not feasible in the trial version.

Thanks for the support =)

And just for reference, I tested the musicbrainz id thing with a small number of tracks and it works fine.