SongKong Jaikoz

SongKong and Jaikoz Music Tagger Community Forum

Delete Duplicate Songs questions

Bit Depth:false:true as seen in this screenshot what does this mean? I believe it is supposed to be a value of 8, 16, 24, or 32 that’s being compared. So shouldn’t it be displaying a number value of what it is comparing it against?

For Mp3 files why doesn’t the included player able to show track length when you click the play button? As you can see it was able to determine length for comparison of which file to keep (Track Length:291:292)

here is the screenshot of the player before you hit play and you can see 0:00 / 0:00

Some songs has no reported condition on why it fail; example:

Its means non High-Res versus High-Res (24bit or greater), the High-Res file was kept and the others discarded, I guess it could be clearer.

This is a function of the inbuilt music player in html 5, I cant remember the details but I think there is a bug somewhere within html 5 itself causing this issue.

It does show the reason, the difference was found on Filename, it kept the filename that looked like the original rather than the copy