SongKong Jaikoz

SongKong and Jaikoz Music Tagger Community Forum

Dealing with single Flac and cue files

Hi, I have been trying to work out the origins of a problem I was having with boxset tags being created for albums/tracks that I know aren’t box sets.

I think what I’ve found is maybe not the answer but perhaps one of them. Some of my collection contains single Flac files and cue files. I’ve since stopped curating my collection like this but a lot remain.

Is there a way for SongKong to scan for this type of file and expand them to individual files? This would be really helpful - either as a separate scan or to be able to detect that there is a cue file present and flag that I need to do something. Currently this is taking me forever.

I have made the mistake of processing some albums and the cue file has been deleted, the large file remains and SK has tried its best…

I think I’m just going to have to re-rip these albums because I can’t split the large file without the cue file.

This would entail the tool listening to the audio, identifying the gaps between the tracks and then re-encoding the audio with new audio headers and creating seperate files for each track. SongKong only deals with metadata, modifying the actual audio is out of its remit.

It seems you can probably do it with a tool like AudioCity but if you have not got that many albums with this issue re-ripping might be simpler.