SongKong Jaikoz

SongKong and Jaikoz Music Tagger Community Forum

Deal with stale meta-data references

Nov 21, 2010 9:17:02 PM: WARNING: Song No:6,767 Unable to retrieve release details for b4ea3f9b-23c7-4166-b276-88ac7ed5217ee
Nov 21, 2010 9:17:54 PM: WARNING: This

is not a Discogs Release Url it is a Discogs Master Url, please use a Release Url instead

I’ve been using Jaikoz for a while now. Once in a while MB will delete an Album/Release ID. When this happens it goes stale in my files. It doesn’t update because there is nothing to update against. When these warnings happen, it seems to me best to delete the MB metadata (album/release) and rescan.

In the Discogs case, if there is an error such as the one above, why not purge the bad discogs data so it can get repopulated? This seems to be a problem only when the MB data goes stale, so maybe this is lower priority.


If you do Advanced/Empty Cache then Jaikoz will retrieve the latest information from Musicbrainz, Discogs ecetera. However as you say even if you do this and then do Update from Musicbrainz it will not delete a now removed Discogs url it will just replace it if it has been changed. The reason being that Musicbrainz is unlikely to contain everything so if you have additional information from another source I wouldn’t want to remove it normally.

But I can see why you might want an Update Metadatata from Musicbrianz and Purge any non Musicbrainz data

Yes, that would be helpful too, but my concern is when the MusicBrainz ID goes stale. That is, when a discovered MB ID is deleted (say, because it was a duplicate) from the MusicBrainz database. The file holds on to the stale ID and can’t be updated without manually purging the MB IDs.

Oh right, so you want a ‘Purge Deleted Musicbrainz Release Ids’. To be honest I cant see this as a big priority, how often does this happen for you ?

But you could run Update Metadata from Musicbrainz and this will then list in the console window all the release ids that could not be found, then its a small step for you to manually delete them from your files.

I’d really just rather that when Jaikoz throws the error that it can’t find the MB release ID that it auto-purges the release ID from the file so I can rescan (which isn’t hard with filters).

Out of 50k songs, I probably have 500+ that are throwing these kinds of errors. Enough that I’d rather not do it by hand.

Oh I see, the trouble is it might just fail to lookup the id because Musicbrainz is overloaded or some other Musicbrainz bug.