SongKong Jaikoz

SongKong and Jaikoz Music Tagger Community Forum

cutting of Filenames compared to Title !


Very heavy program! wow! magic :slight_smile:

I just have one little question:

A Song named in TITLE:

You Are the Light (By Which I Travel Into This and That)\t

comes out after saved thru Jaikoz as NAME:

04 you are the light (by which i tra.mp3\t

So, Number and Extension is correct but the Name is cut off after tra so, vel into this and that) is lost…

would like to have:
04 you are the light (by which i travel into this and that).mp3

How to correct this?!?

I don’t see why this is happening, but Jaikoz doesn’t even change filenames unless you run Correct Filename from Tags so perhaps your Preferences/File and Folder Correct/Rename File from tags/Rename Mask is incorrect.