SongKong Jaikoz

SongKong and Jaikoz Music Tagger Community Forum

Cover update problems

Hi there,

A few weeks ago, I’ve updated my MAC OSX to 10.7
I have the latest Jaikoz app 6.1.1 and there are some problems when copying and pasting the album covers.
Although the console says:Resizing [album and path here]…/cover.jpg from 800 pixels to 500 pixels because larger than your preferred width of 500 pixels, the cover doesn’t appear

Is this a know issue for this release ?
Is there a work around ?

Thanks a lot !

Can you send support files please (Advanced:Create Support Files) with details of the problematic file.

Hi Paul,

Sorry for my late reply, I was at the office
Attached you have the support file

Thanks a lot…

P.S I’ve seen that there is an update, I’ll do that in a moment a see if that can solve this problem

Hi Paul,

After updating still getting this strange behavior.
Here’s a new support file, hope it might help

Thanks a lot

No errors in logs, when you say it doesn’t appear where do you mean, is it visible in Jaikoz (after closing and reopening the files)

Hi Paul,

It only happens for the second time I do that.
The first time it resizes and the image appear, after that it says in the console that the image was resized but it doesn’t appear in the Artwork column
I need to restart the program for this to work…

I’m beginning to think that it might be something with updating the OS to 10.7, but can’t figure why it works the first time…and after that not anymore, no matter if I close the files and reopen them again. It does this every files I open.

I will try to remove the program and the config files and install it again
If you might have and idea why it might do that, please let me know

Thanks a lot

Hi Paul,

I took some time to reinstall Jailoz, did the license and my own renaming masking for albums…but still got the same error. It’s really driving me nuts…:slight_smile:

Do you think it can have something to do with something else ? Image manipulation library ?

Oooh, I’ve noticed something. The status doesn’t change, even if the console gives me the message that the image was resized


Edit: And the image isn’t save after closing and reopening Jaikoz

I think Im misunderstanding you really because if its works the first time why do you need to do a second time ?

Hi Paul,

No, you did not misunderstood me.
I was talking about the error.
The second time is for another album, so another files.
I close the program, reopen it, and for the same album it didn’t worked last time, now it works.

Strange error, really

HI, okay I havent managed to replicate it yet but you may be onto something. When you say Copy and Paste, Copy from where and paste to where - if you really can replicate it would be great if you make alittle video showing it failing.

Hi Paul,

Sure I can send you a video. You may need to have a little patient with me, this would be my first time…:slight_smile: I don’t even know what program to use. I will find one, no worries, and try to replicate this strange behavior for you


Hi Paul,

Sorry for my late reply.

I’ve just uploaded and sent you a private video from my youtube channel (sent it to
Hope this video can help you figure out the strange behavior I’m having with Jaikoz.

Let me know if you have problem viewing it


Hi Paul,

Have you got the time to look over the video I’ve sent you. Do you have enough security privileges to watch it ?
Hope I didn’t mess up something


Im very sorry but I cant find the email, could you resend ?

Hi Paul,

Sure. Hope you’ll see it in 10 mins


Hi Paul,

Can you please try this link

Let me know if it works for you


Hi, okay I have watched the video

Not clear why it is not working I will try and replicate, although I notice the second image was right on the cusp at 500 pixels I dont know if that is connected.

Also, I don’t know if this will work round the problem or not but it would simply your workflow, if you run Action:Local Correct:Artwork Correct on the folder then it would find the image within the folder and add it to your files there is no need to seperately copy and paste the image, please try it.

Hi Paul,

First of all thanks a lot for your support.

Haven’t worked that way before, but surely it can simplify my workflow, and I will try that option. As I’m a shortcut “freak” I can surely assign that to a key or a combination.

As for your first supposition, no, that’s not connected.
Before my OS update it just pasted the cover, no matter if the size was 500 x 500 or less. For bigger covers it was re-sized and then pasted.

I will try the do as you proposed and let you know if that can solve this strange behavior. Anyway that’s a lot easier than bouncing between my Jaikoz and Finder.


Hi Paul,

Just wanted to say I’ve tested the way you wrote, and that works fine. Haven’t got the time to find the way to create a shortcut…

Hope that you could duplicate my problem, although I think that’s almost impossible…:).

Thanks a lot