SongKong Jaikoz

SongKong and Jaikoz Music Tagger Community Forum

Cover/folder Artwork

I am new to SongKong and just started to work with the version 8.5 Faith.

When I do a Fix Songs on any of the album folders of my library, I get, as artwork two pictures, one named cover.jpg, the other named folder.jpg. I guess, they originate from two different databases, if so from which ones?

How does SongKong decide which of the two to display as album artwork? Would it decide on the one with higher resolution?

Thanks for clarification!

Primarily SongKong adds the images to the files themselves, but can addtionally write the cover art to the album folder as well, because this is useful for many applications. By default this will be folder.jpg but you can modify this in Album Artwork:Saved front cover art filename

But you have cover.jpg as well, I guess that already existed on your computer, you can check by looking at the creation time of the file, is it earlier then when you run SongKong?

SongKong looks in the following sources:

Because typically is best quality, then MusicBrainz, then Discogs we just use the first one found, but we wil only add artwork if you don’t already have some. This is controlled by the Save front cover embedded within song file option

Thanks for the swift reply!

I see now that the new artwork ‘folder.jpg’ is from SonKong’s search, while the existing ‘cover.jpg’ is from previously introduced files.

Thanks a lot for explaining!

So, by looking at a screenshot of Jon Coltrane’s Blue Train, SongKong tells me that the cover art has a resolution of 225 px. Which resolution is that, the one from folder.jpg or cover.jpg?

Also, in the Fix Songs Report, some of the albums are not shown with cover art but instead of are shown only as a folders. Why is that?

Strictly speaking it is not either, it is the resolution of the image embedded in the music files themselves, and you can check this following the link and then looking at the details of the files within the album. However since you probably have SongKong configured to also save the image to folder.jpg this is probably the resolution of the folder.jpg as well.

If you are looking at the Browse by Album section it will show folder image if there is no embedded artwork for the files in that album. If you are looking at Browse by Folder it will show folder image if there is no folder.jpg file in the folder

I can probably answer you more definitively if you run Create Support Files, this will send me your latest reports and log files.

Just sent the Supprt Files

I see, SongKong looks for a folder.jpg to display it as art work, correct? Because the albums displayed only as folders do not have a folder.jpg, but a cover.jpg. In that case, I assume SongKong did not find an album artwork but only my pre-existing cover.jpg.

I think maybe you are focusing too much on the folder.jpg/cover.jpg, the principle location for the artwork is in the files themselves, this is much more portable because then if youmove the music files you do not lose the artwork.

If I look at Report 701 and Browse By Album I can see there is no artwork for Along Came John (by the way in the screenshot you cant see artwork for Movin’ Along either but this is just because when the support files are uploaded to me they don’t include the images) because it is showing the folder icon. This means there is no cover art artwork in the files themselves

Actually when I look at a track, I can see there is some existing artwork (not added by SongKong) but it of type Other, it should be of type Cover (front) so it is ignored.

Whereas if you Browse by Folder it picks up the folder image

But then I also noted you didn’t actually have SongKong configured to add artwork, did you realize this ?

Then in Report 702, the artwork is now there in the file of the right type, but I guess you did this externally from SongKong because SongKong is still configured not to add artwork

So, if I enable ‘Update Artwork’, will SongKong then embed the artwork immediately into the corresponding AIFF files?

Yes (if it can find artwork for the album)

Hey gents, I am reading this thread and it leads me to ask a super stupid (I guess) question.

What’s the difference between songs saved and songs renamed in the fix songs report ?

Songs saved indicate the file metadata has changed and therefore the song needs to be saved. If the filename changes then also increment Songs Renamed count.

If the song was processed but nothing modified then the Songs completed count will increment but no need to actually save song so Songs Saved count not incremented.

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