SongKong Jaikoz

SongKong and Jaikoz Music Tagger Community Forum

Cover Art


I’m having a problem with cover art. It shows in Jaikoz but doesn’t show in iTunes after I add the mp3’s to my library. Also I just have a music symbol icon in finder when I view the files, the cover art doesnt show as the icon in finder either. I’m using latest version of jaikoz and the latest version of OSX.

Anyone else having this issue and solved it?

Ok, I’ve looked at this again today to try and figure out whats going on.

I deleted the affected files from iTunes and trashed them, then emptied the trash. I’d left the folder of tracks on my desktop after adding them so could use that to re import them.

I noticed the artwork jpg was 1.4mb that was tagged into the files so I opened it with preview, resized to 500x500 pixels which knocked the file size down to about 100kb, retagged all the files added to iTunes and they now show with artwork in iTunes.

They still don’t show as having artwork though in finder there’s just the music note showing. Older files that I tagged with Tag & Rename before I moved to a Mac still show the artwork in finder.

So my question is, Do I have to use cover art that’s a smaller size so it shows up in iTunes or is there something simple here I’m missing. I’m sure the cover art was from when I did an autocorrect, is there some setting I should change to make it get smaller files for the artwork?

Has anyone else got these problems?

There was this post

which might explain why not showing up in Finder.

I wasn’t aware there was an upper limit to image size for it to be shown in iTunes, but I’ll investigate to see if this is the case.

[quote=paultaylor]There was this post

which might explain why not showing up in Finder.

I wasn’t aware there was an upper limit to image size for it to be shown in iTunes, but I’ll investigate to see if this is the case.[/quote]

Hi Paul,

Thanks for the quick reply. Yes I did see that post but its mainly referring to a known bug in snow leopard. My guess is that this issue I mention is not your problem but a problem with iTunes. The artwork shows up fine when I edit with Jaikoz but when added to iTunes its not there, unless I make it smaller.

On a different but similar note 9.2 iTunes messes up previously perfect genre tags, turning them into numbers. This bug is fixed by installing the latest version of iTunes off Apples website but strangely when I tried to update from within the software it told me I had the latest version :-/

I digress…



This is driving me mad now. My cover art is still messed up in itunes. When I open the files in Jaikoz they look fine, artwork is tagged into each file.

I then add the folder of songs into iTunes and they all get added in fine, they transfer to my library folder that is managed by iTunes, if I select a file thats completed while the other tracks transfer I can see the artwork. Then iTunes goes into the process of determining the track volume levels for sound check. This is where it goes belly up, as each track is processed for its volume level the cover art vanishes!

I’m using OS X 10.6.4 and iTunes 9.2.1(5)

Any thoughts on whats wrong?


Try opening the files that are now within the iTunes library within Jaikoz again.
Then assuming they are mp3s go to the ID3 Edit tab
Find the Comment Column
Double click on the little number in the box on the left hand side of the field
This will popup another Window

You should have at least one row with short description of ‘iTunNORM’ , try deleting it and see if the artwork can now be seen again in iTUnes.

(This doesn’t solve the problem but helps me work out what is going on.)

Hi Paul,

I followed those steps, saved the file I altered, restarted iTunes but the file was still the same. I can add the artwork using iTunes if I save an image from amazon then add it with the get info menu item


What do you have preferences save compatibility do not unsynchronize tags set to should be unchecked

[quote=paultaylor]What do you have preferences save compatibility do not unsynchronize tags set to should be unchecked

Hi Paul,

Yes this is unchecked, I also just noticed that 1 album I have has track numbers listed in the edit view and the ID3 edit view but the track numbers are not listed in iTunes. Not sure if this is related but thought I’d mention it just in case it was.

Just to confirm these are the save settings I have at the moment:-

ID3 Tag V1-write tag id exists is checked

ID3V2 Tag-always write tag is checked, set at V24

Text encoding-the first radio button is checked on each line then on the last setting for save existing fields this is unchecked.

The general setting I’ve just got the pad with zero’s box checked

Compatibility- do not unsynchronise is unchecked, save genres in itunes friendly format is checked

in itunes autoupdate I’ve got all the boxes checked apart from the last one.

Thank you for taking time out to look into this for me



I’ve also noticed now that if I use Jaikoz to edit music that has been in my library for a while with cover art etc then save the artwork get corrupted. I edited an album yesterday, just deleted the total tracks but kept the track numbers, saved it. When I re-opened iTunes looked at the album the art was messed up :frowning:

Should I just delete Jaikoz and re-install it in case I’ve messed with something in the settings that I don’t know about?


Have you looked into your memory settings

What memory settings?

I looked at the thread regarding increasing memory setting but a search of my system does show any Info.plist that relates to Jaikoz . The only ones I could find are in bundles that are for other software I’ve got installed??


Info.plist is within the Jaikoz package, but this is not a memory problem.

I cant replicate the problem, but if you can please email me the file when it works and then the file when it no longer works in iTunes and I’ll see if I can make any sense of it.

I thought the problem was that the artwork looked okay in Jaikoz but didn’t look okay in iTunes. However from the email you sent me and the files you sent it appears the problem is that the files are okay before adding to iTunes, but once they are added to iTunes and iTunes has applied Sound check (Preferences/Playback/Souncheck) the artwork is no longer displayed in iTunes OR Jaikoz.

After some testing I have found a serious bug in iTunes, when it resaves the file (after adding its Soundcheck tag as a COMM frame) it saves all frames without using unsynchronization but leaves the Unsynchronization frame bit set for the frames that had it set beforehand. i’m very disappointed with Apple over this issue. A while ago they didnt support Unsynchronization at all but then they fixed , I think this may be a regression on their part. Testing was done against iTunes 9.2

I think the problem only occurs for ID3v24 NOT ID3v23 so there are two workarounds

  1. Save your files as ID2v23 (this is the Jaikoz default)
  2. Disable synchronization (Check Preferences/Save/Compatability/Do not Unsynchronize your tags) and enable saving all fields (Check Preferences/Save/ID3v2 Tag/Save Existing fields using these encodings)
    then Use ‘Force save’ to resave your files with these settings.

If you have files that have already been corrupted by iTunes, its easiest to just refix from Musicbrainz and force save. But if you have files that contain corrupted artwork that you cannot re source you can fix the file using a hex editor as follows:

Open file in Hex Editor (I use Ultradedit for Windows)
Search for the Picture Frame (starts APIC), this will probably be the last frame before the MP3 audio itself
Change the 10th bit of the frame header from 02 to 00 this will tell Jaikoz the frame is not unsynchronized after all and then it can read it correctly.
Save File.
Here is an example APIC frame header in hex

41 50 49 43 00 01 4B 0B 00 02

Needs changing to

41 50 49 43 00 01 4B 0B 00 00

I’m going to change Jaikoz defaults to not unsynchronize tags in the Jaikoz 3.7.0 release (released later today) to protect against this problem and I’ll raise a bug with Apple.


I changed the settings to the ones you listed in the post above. Wiped all the tag data, fetched it again with Jaikoz, saved, closed Jaikoz, opened iTunes, added the re tagged album. BINGO. Everything is just as I saved it in Jaikoz.

Well done, your a legend.

Thanks again for the time you spent, great service and great software.
