SongKong Jaikoz

SongKong and Jaikoz Music Tagger Community Forum

couple small things

it would be nice if operating on a cell would retain the selection when you’re done. currently if I select a cell and delete the contents with a crtl+d for example, it deselects the cell. if I want to keep operating on that track, I need to reselect it.

Also, it would be handy if in the manual musicbrainz window, jaikoz would remember how I reorder the columns. By default it puts the musicbrainz ID as one of the first columns, which puts the album and track names off screen. I have to scroll to see them. Would be nice if I could reorder those columsn and they would stay reordered instead of returning to defaults next time I manually look up a track.

hope these suggestions help! just a couple things I noticed.

[quote=jbills]it would be nice if operating on a cell would retain the selection when you’re done. currently if I select a cell and delete the contents with a crtl+d for example, it deselects the cell. if I want to keep operating on that track, I need to reselect it.
This has already been reported and is fixed in Jaikoz 1.12.1 released today.

Also, it would be handy if in the manual musicbrainz window, jaikoz would remember how I reorder the columns. By default it puts the musicbrainz ID as one of the first columns, which puts the album and track names off screen. I have to scroll to see them. Would be nice if I could reorder those columsn and they would stay reordered instead of returning to defaults next time I manually look up a track.

hope these suggestions help! just a couple things I noticed.[/quote]
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