SongKong Jaikoz

SongKong and Jaikoz Music Tagger Community Forum

couple minor 2.7.0 bugs

  1. OSX:Discogs corrects everything, even if a subset is selected.
  2. Genres tab doesnt toLower() when Adding genres, but then rename considers entry the same despite case and wont correct for casing. I’m not sure which you want (is genre generally considered case insensitive through the rest of the code?) but this behavior is inconsistent.


[quote=chroma]1) OSX:Discogs corrects everything, even if a subset is selected.
I dont see this, I think you might be misunderstanding how things work (or Im misunderstaning whta you mean). If you select some songs and bring up the poup menu and select ‘Update from Discogs’ it will only be applied to those songs. But if you select ‘Update tags from Discogs’ in the main menu it will be applied to all the songs visible in the main window (but not the ones hidden by filters) regardless of whther they are selected or not. Thsi is also how the other actions such as Correct From Musicbrainz, Retrieve Acoustic Ids wok.

In contrast the actions in the Main Menu/Edit Menu are only applied to the selected songs.

If this could be improved let me know.

Genres are normally displayed in Title case in tag editors and music players and this is the way I am going with Jaikoz. Genres are stored as lowercase on Musicbrainz so I have to convert the case, on Discogs they are stored as Title case.

Does this help, I’m not really clear on what the issue is you are reporting here.

Sorry, I shall clarify.

1: selecting individual items in the edit pane, ie a selection of five rows when seventeen are shown, followed by right click - correct from discogs causes all seventeen to be corrected from discogs. this is inconsistent with other autocorrect behavior, which is only applied to the highlighted subset in the edit pane when called from right click context menus.

2: this is inconsequential and aesthetic anyway, but i will expalin. in genre blacklist view. add ‘HiPaul’, and it shows up at the bottom of the list as ‘HiPaul’ with case. all other items in the list are lowercase and alphabetized. I think you mean to lowercase it before showing it, but you don’t. So now, a confused user thinks 'oops, i actually meant hipaul. So they say Replace HiPaul wiht hipaul, and it wont allow this, because they are the same. But it still shows as cased.

Can you retry, I’ve tested on:
OSX Leopard Java 6
OSX Leopard Java 5
OSX Tiger Java 5
Windows Vista Java 6

and in all cases it works as expected.

2: this is inconsequential and aesthetic anyway, but i will expalin. in genre blacklist view. add ‘HiPaul’, and it shows up at the bottom of the list as ‘HiPaul’ with case[/quote]
Thanks they should always be converted to lowercase when added/renamed I’ll get this fixed