SongKong Jaikoz

SongKong and Jaikoz Music Tagger Community Forum

"Could not create the Java Dysfunctional Machine"

Hi, I tried to scan my library after having spent a month tagging it (because java is awesome), but jaikoz pooped its pants and complained that 2 GiB memory was not enough.

That made me a bit sad at first, but then I realized that Java is just going to get bettar and bettar, and that cheered me up because at least my grand-children will live to see that day.

Are we having fun yet?

So then I tried restarting jaikoz but now it can’t create the jvm or whatever the fuck that is, and then I rolled down all the windows, restarted my computar and reinstalled java 6 update 20 after I had purged all the other shit-updates that java leaves scattered around for no good reason but to be lazy, make more errors possible and annoy the crap out of everybody on the planet.

Please advice.

Hi, I guess youv’e increased the memory to more than 2GB in your Jaioz settings and you are running Java 32bit , and this cant address more memory than this, reduce the value and it should start again.

Depending on your OS you might be able to run Java 64bit , this will not have the limitation.