SongKong Jaikoz

SongKong and Jaikoz Music Tagger Community Forum

"Corrupt" Title Field?

Having a strange issue that I tracked down to “corrupt” characters in the “title” field after updating a file with Jaikoz.

I began having problems with Orb Media Server hanging on specific MP3 files. When I investigated these files, I found that the “Title” field (only when viewed via the file properties of Windows Explorer) showed bogus characters. If I get rid of these bogus characters, the hang problem in Orb goes away.

The interesting thing is that when viewing the file’s metadata via Jaikoz or MediaInfo, I don’t see any of these “corrupt” characters in any of the fields. Any ideas?

Here’s a screenshot of one of the problem files (the title field was fine before updating w/ Jaikoz).

I’m using v 3.6.0, but this has been occurring for a few versions now (2 or 3?). I’m on Windows 7 x64.

What should the title say ? ( I expect the problem is either with UTF16 or Unsynchronization)

In this case, the title should be “This Is War”.

Hmm, not what I expected you to say (you are sure thats the song title not just the album title), could send me the file so I can test it.

Yes, in this case the song title and album title just happen to be the same. I will attempt to re-corrupt the file and send it off to you. Thanks.

Yes, in this case the song title and album title just happen to be the same. I will attempt to re-corrupt the file and send it off to you. Thanks.[/quote]

Paul, I recreated the problem… and did it on XP instead of Win7. I emailed the file and the details off to you.


Having looked at your file following fields are stored as Unsynchronized UTF-16 format.


but the rest are stored as IS08859-1 format.

But there is no reason any of these fields need to be stored as UTF16 because they only contain latin/ascii characters.

I wonder if the UTF16 field were added by Picard, and then because Jaikoz calculated the same value they were not modified when the file was saved in Jaikoz. Please try editing the title field in Jaikoz from

This is War


This is Wars

and seeing if that is displayed okay, then come back to me on the result.


Doing what you suggested (changing the title field in Jaikoz) corrected the character display for that field.

I follow your theory of what is happening, but what I don’t understand is why the field is ok after tagging with Picard but before using Jaikoz?

Maybe its the other way then Picard has saved files using ISO-8859-1, and jaikoz is saving additional fields as UTF16. But to do this you would have had to set Preferences/Save/ID3v2 Tag/Default Text Encoding to use when writing ID3v23 Tags to UTF16 which isnt the default.

If this is set change it back to ISO-8859, but if not do the following:

Take Picard out of the equation then,
Remove all fields in Jaikoz and save,
Send me the file (so I can clearly see whats the starting point)
Then retag from Jaikoz and see what you get
And resave the file.

[quote=paultaylor]Maybe its the other way then Picard has saved files using ISO-8859-1, and jaikoz is saving additional fields as UTF16. But to do this you would have had to set Preferences/Save/ID3v2 Tag/Default Text Encoding to use when writing ID3v23 Tags to UTF16 which isnt the default.

If this is set change it back to ISO-8859, but if not do the following:

Take Picard out of the equation then,
Remove all fields in Jaikoz and save,
Send me the file (so I can clearly see whats the starting point)
Then retag from Jaikoz and see what you get
And resave the file.[/quote]


The encoding was set to the default (ISO-8859).

I removed all of the fields (using Jaikoz) and sent you the file.

I then re-tagged with Jaikoz and saved the file. No corrupt characters.

So I think Picard is the culprit (Aljhough it isn’t actually doing anything wrong)
Start Picard
Select Options/Options.
Select Tags
Do you have Write ID3v2 tags version 2.3 enabled and if so do you have Text Encoding to use while writing ID3v2 Tags set to UTF-16, if so this is the problem change it to ISO-8859-1

Additionally in Jaikoz if you enable Preferences/Save/ID3 v2 Tag/Save existing Fields using these Encoding Preferences then when you save a file it will save all fields using the Jaikoz settings even those that have not been edited within Jaikoz. This can be used to fix files already broke in Picard, try it I think this should all work for you.