I have a huge directory (over 600 GB) that I was scanning with SK. Everything was going smoothly, finishing about 70 GB of it but I had to restart for unrelated issues. I figured since I was moving the files to a new directory I could just pickup where I left off after the reboot.
I clicked Cancel, the application disappeared immediately but never generated a report. When I restarted the application, it informed me that it had crashed on report generation and suggested I could run the report now. I clicked OK and it sat for hours without finishing. I ended the songkong64 process, moved all the processed music out of the destination folder to avoid any conflicts. Then I started to scan the original folder with the remaining songs again. This time it ran for a few hours but only did 60 or 70 songs, so I did the same process again and rebooted.
Now when I run SK, it starts analyzing the folder and then I get a pop-up window that says Message in the title bar but is blank. I can not click in it or dismiss it with the X in the corner. I have to end the SK process manually. I tried to empty the database but after about 5 minutes of “emptying” I get the same dialog.
I also moved all the music to another drive to see if there could be an issue with the hardware. No change.