SongKong Jaikoz

SongKong and Jaikoz Music Tagger Community Forum

Corrupt Database?

I have a huge directory (over 600 GB) that I was scanning with SK. Everything was going smoothly, finishing about 70 GB of it but I had to restart for unrelated issues. I figured since I was moving the files to a new directory I could just pickup where I left off after the reboot.

I clicked Cancel, the application disappeared immediately but never generated a report. When I restarted the application, it informed me that it had crashed on report generation and suggested I could run the report now. I clicked OK and it sat for hours without finishing. I ended the songkong64 process, moved all the processed music out of the destination folder to avoid any conflicts. Then I started to scan the original folder with the remaining songs again. This time it ran for a few hours but only did 60 or 70 songs, so I did the same process again and rebooted.

Now when I run SK, it starts analyzing the folder and then I get a pop-up window that says Message in the title bar but is blank. I can not click in it or dismiss it with the X in the corner. I have to end the SK process manually. I tried to empty the database but after about 5 minutes of “emptying” I get the same dialog.

I also moved all the music to another drive to see if there could be an issue with the hardware. No change.

I just deleted the .db file (it was over 5 GB). Seems to be working again.

Could you please send email your support files (Advanced/Create Support Files) so I can take a further look.


Hi, Ive checked your logs and unfortunately SongKong ran out of memory and I think that corrupted the database. Generally SongKong doesnt use that much memory (compared to Jaikoz) but it looks like I need to configure it with a little more, currently configured to use a maximum of 50MB. SongKong can only use a maximum of the amount allocated rather than making use of all your machines memory.

I note, you are running on Windows. It is very simple to increase the memory allocated as follows:

Shutdown SongKong
Edit SongKong.ini (SongKong64.ini if have SongKong 64bit)
Modifiy vm.heap.preferred to set the max memory (in megabytes)
Restart SongKong

Fixing slowed to crawl; database not emptying…

Looking inside I find 1000 html Fixsongs reports and 9gb .db database.

Fixing now returning to about 1 per second.

Why have you posted on this forum, have you tried increasing memory allocated, are you saying it is working now or still not working ?

[quote=paultaylor]Hi, Ive checked your logs and unfortunately SongKong ran out of memory and I think that corrupted the database. Generally SongKong doesnt use that much memory (compared to Jaikoz) but it looks like I need to configure it with a little more, currently configured to use a maximum of 50MB. SongKong can only use a maximum of the amount allocated rather than making use of all your machines memory.

I note, you are running on Windows. It is very simple to increase the memory allocated as follows:

Shutdown SongKong
Edit SongKong.ini (SongKong64.ini if have SongKong 64bit)
Modifiy vm.heap.preferred to set the max memory (in megabytes)
Restart SongKong [/quote]

Mine was set to 500, I set it to 5000. I have 32 GB of RAM.

Okay, great it will be interesting to see how you get on.

Note:You can only set to 2000 (2gb) if using the 32-bit version, but not such limit for 64-bit version.

I had to delete my database again. This time it grew to 9.7 GB before it gave up the ghost. When it’s corrupted, it will scan for some amount of time, then say that it was cancelled by the user when it was not.

I just renamed it to .old and started it up again.