SongKong Jaikoz

SongKong and Jaikoz Music Tagger Community Forum

Context menu don't work on MacOSX

INFO: Jaikoz 4.5.2 NGS using Java 1.5.0_26 1.5.0_26-156 32bit on Mac OS X 10.5.8 i386 initialized successfully
INFO: Jaikoz has been configured with minimum heap memory of 150 mb, maximum heap memory of 793 mb and maximum permanent memory of 200 mb

On this configuration the context menu isn’t working.
It appears,I can select a command,but it doesn’t work.Any command.
From the menu bar all is OK.

Hi, I think there might be an incompatbility with the later version of Quaqua and older Macs. Try downloading Quaqua 7 from here , unzipping it and replaying the quaqua.jar in the Jaikoz installtion with the one in the download.

I’ve tried the 7.4.2 version and nothing changed.
With 6.5 version the context menu is working.

I’ve also noticed that on this system there is a java 1.5 update available,from 0_26 to 0_30.
Maybe this is the problem.

When I got time I update the system and recheck if the original quaqua.jar on jaikoz works.



INFO: Jaikoz 4.5.2 NGS using Java 1.5.0_30 1.5.0_30-161 32bit on Mac OS X 10.5.8 i386 initialized successfully

The minor update of java does not changed anything.
The quaqua version on Jaikoz or the 7.4.2 has the same context menu problem.

With version 6.5 the context menu works,but I’ve lost the horizontal scrolling from the trackpad.


The basic problem is that your Mac dos not support Java 1.6 whereas new models do. I’ve kept the codebase 1.5 compatible but unfortunately there are some glitches with the GUI and its not practical to solve these. In fact Ive been wanting to move Jaikoz to 1.6 for some time.