SongKong Jaikoz

SongKong and Jaikoz Music Tagger Community Forum

Contemplating re-tagging my music database (165k Files) with Songkong

I ran album match on Norma and Martinu and got a match for both. I uploaded the support files.

Great, thanks I checked support files and all looks good.

Do you have any other questions ?

thanks, Paul
All good for the time being. I will be able to continue the retagging project after August 25th. I will come back if any questions arise.

I just stumbled across this post of yours

Great stuff, will investigate. Thank you, Paul
However when I tried to look up Andre Navarra on Albunack in order to import the Prague Recordings into MB, I got

Unknown Discogs Artist Id, if recently added may not yet be in our database:[a863251]

Here you go

Brilliant, adding the new release from Discogs to MB worked like a breeze
Release “Prague Recordings” by André Navarra - MusicBrainz

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Hi, all I would say is I’m not sure you have the medium titles correct. If I look at the Discogs release , the first disk contains three different works

  • Concerto For Violin, Cello And Orchestra, Op. 102,
  • Concerto For Cello And Orchestra In A Minor, Op. 129
  • Schelomo. Rhapsodie Hébraïque For Cello And Orchestra

In your MusicBrainz version you have labelled disc 1 CD 1: Concerto for Violin, Cello and Orchestra, Op. 102 but that is only the first three tracks of disc one so I dont think that is right title for the disc.

BTW you can independently link recordings to works and create works, but you dont have to do this. For example I think the first work exists as and you can create links for each recording to movement

e.g many recordings have been linked to each of the three movements.

Just realized this is a fault of the albunack Discogs parser getting confused between works and discs, Discogs is a bit difficult to parse when it includes works in the track listing, and there are multiple discs because its all a bit free form.

thanks, Paul. It seems that way. I had not made any additions or changes to the metadata when importing the release into MC.

I have now done some edits on the MC release. Seems to work quite easily for well known works.
For lesser known works I could not find a work entry and would need to create one. I think I’ll hold off on that for the time being.

Release “Prague Recordings” by André Navarra - MusicBrainz

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Okay, also need to add work title to track title if the work information is shown on the cover/booklet


Concerto For Violin, Cello And Orchestra, Op. 102: I Allegro

instead of just

I Allegro

Again, this is not handled by the Albunack script because it doesnt currently do any special classical proocessing, I havent looked at it for a few years to be honest.

It looks like the root cause of the short track names is how SongKong retrieves the information from Discogs. In this case the work information is retrieved to ‘Disc Subtitle’ and only I.Allegro is retrieved to ‘Title’
I will upload the SongKong Support Files

The Albunack database imports MusicBrainz and Discogs databases and makes a search index of them. Within MusicBrainz works are clearly defined. But within Discogs all we have is a release with a list of tracks, if the track has no track no it can be interpreted as a CD title, a Work or various other things, and this is difficult to do.

So in this case we have just interpreted the first heading on a disc as CD title, and then linked all the tracks with the same discno to that disc, and ignored the headings for other works titles further down on each disc.

So this is a bug with Albunack, fixing it would fix Discogs importer and would also improve SongKong Discogs import. I think it is only a bug if the release is a multi disc release and in the past havent really seen Discogs as a major source for Classical music, and it is a secondary source after MuscBrainz so it has never come up but it would be good to fix this -

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Is there an easy way to do this? Adding the data to 51 individual tracks through the Musicbrainz interface is a bit of a chore.

I’m not sure because I dont do that much editing these days, but there are many userscripts you can use to improve the editor look at the Userscripts:Recordings section of this page, best to ask on the MusicBrainz Forums.

I have now run SongKong on all of my CD quality tracks (55k).
FixSongsReport00039 reported 20 warning messages about not being able to open files. I am sending you the support files. I can send you some of the reported files if it is of help.

Hi, I looked at report00039, there are a few warnings about generating Acoustids for some files, and in a few cases SongKong timed out trying to process a group

But there were not actually any problems loading files.

Because SongKong uses a number of ways to identify files issues such as Acoustids generation usually do not prevent matching.

I then looked at report 40 which is a rerun over the sames files, this did not hit the same issues, but I noticed a few errors of the form Index x out of bounds for length x

This is a bug and I have raised

Hi, I have now fixed this bug and redeployed Windows version, if you could rerun Fix Songs with new version that would be great.

This is what you need to do to install it:

Please note on Windows you must uninstall existing version in order to replace with new version with same version number.

thanks, Paul, I will be back home on 11.9. and will run the test in that week

Hi Paul
I updated SongKong and ran fix songs again. Only one Warning this time. The bug fix seems to have worked, thanks.
I sent you the support files (being created now)

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Had a quick look at your report I notice For songs already fully matched is set to Rematch, I would suggest you change that to Update Metadata Only since it will run quicker and there is not much point rematching already identified albums unless unhappy with existing results.

I see of the 57,000 songs that 68% have been matched to MusicBrainz album, another 10% have been matched MusicBrainz Song Only and 75% have been matched to either a MusicBrainz or a Discogs album.

I expect most of the remaining 25% are not in the MusicBrainz or Discogs databases. What is the plan now, would be interesting to see if these are added to Roon how much of the remaining 25% Roon can identify and how many albums are left unidentified ?