SongKong Jaikoz

SongKong and Jaikoz Music Tagger Community Forum

Constant battle with itunes to get song lengths not to be too long

win10 user

I go through the songkong cleaning process and use the “[itunes]” rename mask. But when I try to import the folder of cleaned songs into itunes it invariably crashes after complaining some song names are too long.

What’s the simplest mask for songs? And what’s the best setting for maximum file length?

Is the max length itunes can handle the itunes folder path + the songs?

For me the base music dir is C:\Users\bill\Music\iTunes\iTunes Media\Music\

So the max length I should use would be 256-46?


That sounds right, there is an Enable Maximum File path Length on the Filenaming tab, have you tried that ?

Yes but it took me several run throughs to realize the limit also included the path to the itunes music folder. And one never knows there are files over the limit until itunes puts up an error and then usually crashes! And then its hard to figure out where it left off.

In terms of the preset naming masks, are any of the presets particularly shorter than others? Once a song is in an artist/album subfolder, just a simple name is all that’s needed.

Well SongKong should prevent going over limit in first place, maybe there is an issue there, I’m not totally clear of issue but you should be able to work out shorter filename masks by looking at name. However, having said that most users of iTunes let iTunes deal with file renaming.