SongKong Jaikoz

SongKong and Jaikoz Music Tagger Community Forum

Considering using Jaikoz

As said, I’m considering using the Jaikoz tagger on my Mac.
(I tried to ask this question on the website’s support but didn’t find any option).
One question: after making changes to songs in my library on my mac, can I sync the library with my iPhone and it will keep the metadata?

And if I do changes in my iPhone (changing/adding to a playlist, etc.) after syncing will those show in Jaikoz?

Thanks in advance.

Jaikoz can update iTunes/Music so changes you make in Jaikoz will show there, so if you sync between iTunes and your phone that would work, but I dont know if that is how you do it.

Syncing is one way though, if you make changes on your iPhone I don’t see how Jaikoz can pick them up.

Thanks for your reply.
So, the question would be now: what happens when I make changes to my Music? Will it show in Jaikoz?
Because then my workflow can be like this:
1- I tag songs in Jaikoz. Changes show in Music. I sync Music in my laptop with my iPhone. Changes show in my iPhone.
2- I make changes in my iPhone, sync with Music in my laptop. Changes show in Music.

Do those changes will show now also in Jaikoz?

Yes, because when you modify the files in Music you are actually modyfing the music files, Jaikoz will recognize the files have been updated and reread the metadata from the files.

Great! Sounds exactly what I’m looking for!!
Thanks a lot!

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