SongKong Jaikoz

SongKong and Jaikoz Music Tagger Community Forum

Command Line Processing

I find that 99% of the time my process is simply:

  1. Open a folder
  2. Autocorrect
  3. Rename Files based on metadata
  4. Rename Subfolders based on metadata
  5. Save

How about allowing me to script that so that instead of opening the program I can just pass these as options along with the folder path and each option would be performed on the files in the folder?

Maybe this is already possible and I’m just unaware. If so, please forgive my ignorance.


This idea has been in the ether for some time, and I am considering it.

Big plus 1 from me.

It would be infinitely better if I could setup a script that loads in and updates a few hundred files at a time.

Even just a way to automate the opening of Jaikoz, loading in files and command+1 them, close all the files and repeat.

Yes please! ie process by sub-folder.

Being able to script tag edits via a command line interface would be at the top of my wishlist. Ideally, without opening the app’s gui, but as long as it closed again, that’d be OK.

As a mostly Linux shell user, I’m casting my vote in for this as well.