That is a good point you make, but currently Album Artist is taken as it is stored in the MusicBrainz/Disocgs database which usually accurately matches the Album Artist as displayed on the release.
The only adjustment SongKong makes is converting non-latin names to latin/English names if Format:Romanize non-latin scripts names where possible enabled and removing featured artists, if you have the Format:When Albums contain featured artists set accordingly
I think the key thing is not to set the Album Artist to particular order because sometimes the conductor is most prominent (e.g Simon Rattle), sometimes the artist most prominent (e.g Nigel kennedy), and sometimes orchestra etc. But if you have multiple albums by the same combination of artist(s) then you want to use the same order, I will raise an issue to consider this.
In the meantime yo can use Edit Songs to manually modify so it is consistent, I assume you dont have many albums where this is a problem ?
Raised -