SongKong Jaikoz

SongKong and Jaikoz Music Tagger Community Forum

Changes not reflected in Apple Music app until I play the song

Hi! I bought a license today and used the automated tagging feature to update a big library of offline music I access via the Apple Music app. It looks like the tagging worked — but the changes Jaikoz made aren’t reflected in the Apple Music UI until I play a given song. Then, the artist, album art, and all other metadata update as soon as I play that song.

Is there a way I can force Apple Music to re-check all the metadata so I don’t have to play every song in my library in order to get all the metadata displaying correctly?

Thanks in advance!!

Hi, yes Apple Music adds songs to a cache and reads from that so is not automatically aware when external applications make modifications to songs in its cache.

The easiest way is to select all songs within Apple Music, right click and select the Get Info option, this will force it to re-read the metadata from the actual files.

Hi @paultaylor, that doesn’t seem to work. Or rather:

If I do this one track at a time, it does work. If the track in question has been updated via Jaikoz, when I hit “get info,” the updated metadata appears. However, if I select more than one track (it doesn’t matter if it’s two or two hundred), the updated info doesn’t appear/populate into Apple Music.

Any ideas where to go from here?

Okay I just tried and had the same problem, this is not how it did work, it seems that Apple Music have introduced a bug here. Im trying to find a bug report or more details on the issue but have not been able to so far.

Thanks for looking into it, Paul - I really appreciate it! Let me know what you’re able to find out.

If your not bothered about ratings and play counts the other thing you can do is simply delete the iTunes library and just re-add all your songs once you have fixed them with Jaikoz.

I’m trying to maintain that data, since I’ve put a lot of time into that…

Can I just check one another thing are use using anything like iTunes Match

No, I am not using that, Paul.

Any further ideas on this?

Sorry, don’t have an answer yet, difficult because it is an Apple issue rather than a Jaikoz issue.