SongKong Jaikoz

SongKong and Jaikoz Music Tagger Community Forum

Change genre -> Jaikoz into catatonia

Hi there,

Why is it that whenever I change genre, Jaikoz becomes unresponsive for tens of minutes on end? I just changed genre on 35 albums about half an hour ago, and Jaikoz has yet to come back. It’s doing something, 'cause it’s using 95% of one processor, but why?

This is on a macbook C2D 2Ghz with 2G of ram, OSX 10.5.

Hi, i dont get this problem - but you’re not the first to report this so I think that I need to sort this out - so I’ve made it top priority.

It would help if you could give me some idea of the following:
Exactly how you change genre
How many files you have loaded
How long Jaikoz has been running for

OK, here goes:

Number of files: 681. Current number of genres found: 8.
Jaikoz has been running for about two days now. (I’m slowly going through approx 250Gb of FLAC/MP3 files. The laptop is running all the time, and whenever I pass the machine I do a couple of updates.)

I work through the list album by album, 'coz I noticed Jaikoz can fall over if I select by artist if that artist has many (>5) albums, losing all work done up to that moment. So I select Genre=All genres, Artist = Van Morrison, Album = It’s too late to stop now (disc 1). I change the Genre on the first track from Pop to Blues, then I have to wait for 45 seconds before Jaikoz comes back. The fan on the macbook goes into high gear.

Then I copy (Control+C) that value onto the other genre fields (Control+V), and now I have to wait for 4min50seconds. The logfile in the meantime (I tail -f it) simply states:
Mar 7, 2009 7:25:58 AM: INFO: New values pasted into 9 fields

Does this help?

Addendum: if I quit and restart Jaikoz every two hours or so, it remains just about acceptable. But no fun, all the same.

Thanks , I think the bug is related to a memory leak or similar. During testing phases I tend to restart Jaikoz many times which is perhaps why I havent encountered this issue myself.