SongKong Jaikoz

SongKong and Jaikoz Music Tagger Community Forum

Certain Files Won't Add

Hi, I am having an unusual problem, it is however only with a very limited number of files so im guessing it may be an issue with the files or my comp rather than jaikoz, i try to add the files to the program to auto correct/rename ect… and the adding files dialog box comes up and processes them although they dont appear in the list of songs and i cannot make them no matter what i try, they are not write protected hidden or anything else that i can see, however i have noticed that for some reason they have little to no information in the media info just a file name and size as apposed to other files which display bit rate, size, track, time, artists, song name and program used to convert ect ect… so does anyone have any suggestions at all? this is obviously not really a big deal as it has only happened with about 15 out of 1200+ files, just kind of annoying especially if its going to keep happening, if it comes to it i will just re download the files but would love to figure out WHY it is happening,

                                        Thanks in advance  :mrgreen:  :?

Try advanced/Empty Cache and then attempt to reload them
Is there any messages about them in the Jaikoz console.

I have just upgraded to the latest version this morning 4.5.3. The previous version worked absolutely fine. The new version, the program loads OK but as soon as I try too add files then the program just hangs during the loading and does not load any files. I have used Advance/Empty Cache several times but still the same. So far I have tried loading without success FLAC, OGG and m4a files. :x

Hmm, exactly what menu option are you using to add files.

Ahh sorry , a bug has been introdued into Add Files and Open Files, Add Folder and Open Folder work okay. I will sort out a fix later today.

Ok great, thanks - yes was using File/Open Files . . . and File/Add Files . . .

Just installed Version 4.5.4. This appears to have fixed the above issues. Many Thanks :slight_smile:

I have updated my 3.9.x today to 4.5.4 and I have the same problem.
Files nor folders will add.
The application seems busy even though it’s not using CPU.
The logs don’t indicate anything special.

I have tried Advanced/Empty Cache and deleting the database, but neither of these two solutions help.

Please email me your support files (Advanced/Support Files)

Just upgraded to 4.5.4, can no longer add or open any file or folder, woe is me. :frowning: Tried the empty cache, no change. Program does not lock up the PC, just hangs for 10-15 secs while trying to load, then program menu buttons lock up and the only choice is to X and close it out. Note: I was running ver 4.5.1 prior to upgrade.

UPDATE: I found an older download on my pc, ver. 4.5.1, so I tried to reinstall that on top of the 4.5.4. This did not change the release back, but stayed at 4.5.4. So I uninstalled Jaikoz altogether and installed 4.5.1. This caused the prog to not even boot up, got error message. Installed 4.5.4 on top of that and IT WORKED! Can’t explain it, but if it works it works.

Try this updated version of Jaikoz 4.5.4 just released, you can get it from the usual place. Select About the build date should say 24/01/2012 if you have the latest version.

Now fixed in Jaikoz 4.5.5