SongKong Jaikoz

SongKong and Jaikoz Music Tagger Community Forum

capitals after apostrophe issue

just upgraded to 3.11… now my title case option is generating capitals after apsotrophe’s.

ie from Beatles For Sale
Honey Don?T
I Don?T Want To Spoil The Party
What You?Re Doing
Everybody?S Trying To Be My Baby

Hmm, that is wierd because nothing have changed in this area for quite some time, what version did you upgrade from ?


i have been keeping up with each new version, so i came from 3.10 i think it was…

Hmm, I cant reproduce this problem, could you send your support files please (Advanced/Create Support Files)

So i actually figured out what was happening. the apostrophes were ? instead of '. Is there a way to auto replace characters?

There is a Punctuation Remover for removing individual characters but nothing for replacing them at the moment, unfortantely except the FInd and Replace dialog