SongKong Jaikoz

SongKong and Jaikoz Music Tagger Community Forum

Capitalization rule

I would like to preserve the case of the field(s) on part of my audio file collection after Local Correction. (For example in Finnish language the first letter of the word is not usually capitalized.) Can this exclusion be done based on some ID3 tag?

You can specify what capitalization is used by Local correct for each field, take a look at Preferences/Local Correct/AutoFormat/Capitalization Options, one of the options is No Modifications

Yes, I could use the option No Modifications manually, as I do want the options Title Case and Sentence Case to be used most of the time.
I was thinking something based on specific ID3 tag, e.g. if TLAN is set to ‘fin’ then don’t capitalize the field.

But TLAN isnt fixed by Local Correct, only the main fields as shown in preferences, and TLAN isnt finnish anyway it is the ISO three letter language code.

You can run the Capitalizer on any fields though using Edit/Capitalizer

Yes, I understand TLAN is meant to set the languages of the text or lyrics spoken or sung in the audio. I have used eyeD3 to set that tag recursively on music folders.

I will (try to remember) run the Capitalizer using Edit/Capitalizer.