SongKong Jaikoz

SongKong and Jaikoz Music Tagger Community Forum

Can't see options under menu in Jaikoz

Hello Paul
Just wondering if you could help with Jaikoz not showing some options under the menu bar.

I have like you can see the Open - Save - Close file and then i have two options 1 is Lowercase - 2 Title.

I can’t see them, is it because i am on dark mode ?

If i point my mouse pointer it will show but if i take my mouse away the window is just black with no mention of lowercase etc.

I attached two screen views. The white screen shot shows I am - I AM but not on the dark screen.


You have found a bug, the toolbar icons were designed before we had dark mode, and we dont currently have dark mode variations for ones that are hard to see in dark mode, raised bug

On my screen I can see it, but very faint, you could try adjusting contrast or brightness