SongKong Jaikoz

SongKong and Jaikoz Music Tagger Community Forum

Can't remember how I did this (always root folder)

My laptop crashed and I didn’t have a backup of my rename masks. Bangs head.

Anyways I had a method where I was always performing a rename to a named root folder (in this case ‘Music’). For some reason I cannot remember the syntax and every method I have tried results in some failure.

ifnotempty2(albumartist,artist,folderseparator) + ifnotempty(album,folderseparator) + (disctotal>1 ? discno + folderseparator : ‘’) + ’ ’ + album

modified1 - complete error:
ifnotempty2(folderseperator + ‘Music’ + folderseperator) + (albumartist,artist,folderseparator) + ifnotempty(album,folderseparator) + (disctotal>1 ? discno + folderseparator : ‘’) + ’ ’ + album

You dont use Correct SubFolder from Metadata for the Base folder (Root) part. If files already exist in /Music just ensure that your filename path is split correctly so that /Music is already displayed in the Base Folder part, and the part you want to replace is in the Sub Folder part.

If the files don’t currently in /Music but some other folder you should use Save and Move

Hmmm if I do the save and move method, it will just move the file to the root of the directory I point to, not the appropriate folder creation.

I know I had done this before with the ‘correct sub folders from metadata’. I could work on different volumes, and each time I would update a file, I would first correct the filename from meta, and then do a move from meta. It would always find the root of the working folder I was in, then the directory ‘Music’, and then create the appropriate artist/album structure.

Right now it seems it keeps on trying to create a temporary base folder for each folder I am in (which is not the Music directory). So it never moves it to the proper folder.

Okay, ensure Base Folder, Sub Folder and Filename columns are visible in main edit window. If Base Folder just contains [/b] you might need to use Action:File and Folder Correct:Shift base Folder to Subfolder

Actually, if you could send me a screenshot showing these three fields for some of your files I think it will be easier for me to help you.

Which exact settings do you need screens on. I can of course snag those.

Not settings, I would like to see a screenshot of the main Jaikoz Edit window with those three columns visible and ome fioles loaded so I can your existing filepaths and how Jaikoz have split up the filepath into three parts.

So here is a prime example. This is on a drive called MB which has all my old music. In a normal scenario I would want to drag/drop these files from their existing directory (in this case /Volumes/MB/TIME LIFE) and ultimately want them deposited into /Volumes/MB/Music/{Genre}/{Artist}/{Album}.

In the past I could do this with any named volume. For instance I have another drive with music in a path called /Volumes/Music2Go/Music. I could use Jaikoz unaltered to do the same exact correct and move function.

Okay so it seems to be they have been split up correctly, and you need your subfolder mask to do the Genre/Artist/Album part

with a mask such as

ifnotempty(genre,folderseparator) + ifnotempty2(albumartist,artist,folderseparator) +

Run Action:File and Folder Correct:Correct SubFolder From Metadata to fix the subfolder column.

Then do Save and Move and select the Music folder to root at /Volumes/MB/Music instead of /Volumes/MB/TIMELIFE.

that should be it.

But the kicker is I was able to do this before without save and move. The save and move requires steps I never needed to perform before so it was far more automated.

Okay but Correct SubFolder from Metadata will only ever replace the part of the path that is in the subfolder field

So you could either do

  1. Replace base Folder using Save and Move
  2. Manually edit the Base Folder field for a song and then copy and paste to all other songs
  3. Use Shift Base Folder to SubFolder for songs so base folder is empty then have a SubFolders that puts in the full path.

I think you are trying to do 3> but forgetting to clear out the base folder, you can do this if you want but I don’t particularly recommend it as it is not the intended way to use Correct SubFolder from Metadata