SongKong Jaikoz

SongKong and Jaikoz Music Tagger Community Forum

Can't load MP3's in new Version 4.6.1 (1111)

Since upgrading to this version, any time I ad File, Folder,…OPen File, Folder…No MP3’3 will load.

Any help would be great appreciated.


Please send me your support files (Advanced/Create Support FIles)

Tried all reccomended solution on this site, just uninstalled and re-downloading/installing. Will report back soon

Hey Paul…right after a fresh install. Will do and thanks for the fast reply bud.


Just sent them. Lemmie know what you see. Thanks

oooPs, Missed this thread … I looked early this AM (03-05) and there were no threads on this mater and I blindly logged in and started another this afternoon without looking again! My apologies!

I am having the same issue … until I saw this thread I was unaware that other formats work (at least m4a’s do), I use mp3 exclusively.

I’ll be impatiently waiting for a fix … :slight_smile:

Moderator, you can delete / disprove my thread!

fh [color=#FF0000] :[/color])_~

WHew. Glad I’m not the only one. Cool :smiley: :smiley:

Yeah, I missed it too and just posted here:

…although I’m getting some files to load, just not all of 'em.

I wasn’t seeing this, a problem with the same symptoms and fixed by emptying cache has been the solution before.

No-one had sent me any logs, but now I have three showing the same problem so a fix out later today.

[quote=paultaylor]I wasn’t seeing this, a problem with the same symptoms and fixed by emptying cache has been the solution before.

No-one had sent me any logs, but now I have three showing the same problem so a fix out later today.[/quote]

Thanks Paul. I just emailed you so please disregard. Looking forward to the fix and thank you in advance for your efforts.


it has to do with tags in the “Not Supported List”

i have come across three batches of mp3s that will not open in the new jaikoz. the first batch i opened with an older version, deleted all the tags other than the basic title, artist, track, lyrics, and comments…

this batch would then open with the new version.

i just found 2 more batches of mp3s that wont open. so this time i tried to narrow it down. first test was letting the old jaikoz remove the v1 tags… that didnt work. then i looked at the remaining tags in the two batches.

the first batch had 1 tag in “not supported list” it was MCDI:Data=“804 bytes”;

the second batch had 10 tags in “not supported list” the first was MCDI:Data=“114 bytes”; and the 9 other tags were PRIV:Owner= tags.

since the two batches had the MCDI tags in common, i removed only those tags… then tried opening the two batches in the new jaikoz again

the first batch now could open, the second still refused.

so i went back into the older version of jaikoz… and removed the 9 PRIV:Owner tags.

after this, both batches can open in the new version.

I hope this helps.


i too am having this issue with 4.6.2 on osx 10.8

Aug 6, 2012 9:24:25 AM: INFO: Started to load files from /Volumes/media/iTunes/iTunes Media/Music/(hed) pe/(hed) pe
Aug 6, 2012 9:24:26 AM: INFO: Counted 13 files that could be loaded from /Volumes/media/iTunes/iTunes Media/Music/(hed) pe/(hed) pe
Aug 6, 2012 9:24:26 AM: INFO: Completed loading of 0 songs from /Volumes/media/iTunes/iTunes Media/Music/(hed) pe/(hed) pe
Aug 6, 2012 9:24:26 AM: INFO: 0 files are loaded

Patched released everyone.

Thanks Paul for getting this done.


i just emailed the support files

It’s been fixed. Patched here Michael:

Yeah, I dont think you have the correct version of 4.6.2 please see

Agreed Paul.

This was the fix for me. Thank you again.
