SongKong Jaikoz

SongKong and Jaikoz Music Tagger Community Forum

Can't Get Original Release Year for the life of me...

One more try to get "Original Release Year" working.

I’ve followed/saved preferences per the directions:

To reitetate:
Enable Musicbrainz/Format/Put Original Year into Year field
Enable Musicbrainz/Automatch/Do Extra Searches to Find Original Release Year
thanks Paul (Administrator)

After setting the preferences per above;
Also, Remote Correct>Preferred Release Date> Earliest Release Date…

  1. Open folder
  2. Action>Remote Correct>Retrieve Acoustic IDs
  3. Action>Remote Autocorrect Metadata from Musicbrainz

I have a compilation "Best Of" from one artist and neither the "Original Release Year" field (blank) or the Year Field is correct, the year only shows with the CD was released, not when the original song was released.

Please help

Well it doesnt work 100% of the time, did you only test against one file. Having said that I dont think it is working that well and I aim to improve it very soon.