SongKong Jaikoz

SongKong and Jaikoz Music Tagger Community Forum

Canceling Close Files and Save

I’m in the habit of, when I’m done tagging, hitting Close Files and Yes to “would you like to save?”

The problem is is if you hit cancel, it cancels the Save but not the Close, so you lose all your remaining changes.

Can Cancel be made to cancel both, or should I be trying to break this habit?

That sound wrong, but I’ve just tried it on a Mac OX 10.6 and it doesn’t happen for me it just cancels the save AND close, I wonder if this is OS specific what OS are you on ?

I’m on Win7 64.

Forgot to mention, it did the same thing on XP 32 SP3. I just put 7 on a couple weeks ago.

Just tried on WIndows 7, and clicking cancel just cancels the operation nothing is saved or closed.

How are you selecting cancel ?

  • I have my modified files open.
  • I select File:Close Files from the menu bar.
  • I click Yes on the "Want to save? dialog.
  • I realize I messed up something so I hit Cancel on the Saving xxx/xxx files dialog.

Oh I see, well if you cancel once is started nothing is really guaranteed, but I see your point now yes it should keep open files that it did not complete saving.

Fixed in new Beta

Thanks Paul… playing with it now.