SongKong Jaikoz

SongKong and Jaikoz Music Tagger Community Forum

BUG, Force Save messes with Summary info

Jaikoz 11.9
Win 10 x64

  • Load a set of files
  • Make a selection by highlighting the item numbers in the very left column
  • Click Force Save
  • “You only have n rows selected. The task will be applied to these rows, is this correct?”
  • Click NO
  • Selecting any other file, in any field, no longer updates the info in the Summary tab in the Detail pane.
  • Force Save > YES resolves the issue

The other tabs (Info, Musicbrainz, Sorting…) work normally, only Summary is affected.

Thanks, replicated.

Note the problem only occurs if select Force Save from the main menu, it is okay if use it by bringing up popup menu on the very left (rowno) column and selecting from there. The bug is that the currently displayed tab in Detail panel does not update, it is not specific to the Summary tab, switching tabs resolves issue.
