SongKong Jaikoz

SongKong and Jaikoz Music Tagger Community Forum


Ok so i just upgraded and started to clean up some more ripped mp3’s and now i have a weird problem after the upgrade… Your software SEE’s album art and Genere but windows no longer does… when i open the tagged mp3’s jaikoz sees everything correctly, but when i view in windows the fields are blank, when i view by “LARGE ICON” i see no album art on any mp3??? any ideas?

WIN 7 32bit
latest jaikoz

Yes, this is a problem… the majority of the id3 tags are not updating, i have no title or artist info, its just like its not working… but it renames the files correctly… :slight_smile: So i just tried to runn Jaikoz as admin, and deleted the database out as well… Still not fixing the id3 tags…

I have two mp3’s i can send you, one done with slightly older version, when you view them both in jaikoz they look perfect all info is there even after i clear databse out. but no mp3 player, or windows has correct id3 tag on the mp3 fixed with the new version of jaikoz.

Is there a way to download an older version?

Let me know i can zip two examples and give you a link to download them.

Do the files just look incorrect in WIndows itself, how do they look in a media player such as WInamp or iTunes, also just email your support files (Advanced/Create Support Files) to support at jthink dot net

Yes in windows and in players. there is no info…

i will email you the support files now… i just tried two files this morning one was already done with the old version, and one already done with new version, i redid the whole process and the old version still had id3 tags. Katy Perry song still shows no info or album art.

Hi,I don’t know what player you tried because I tried the file in Winamp and iTunes and the information displays correctly. However it doesn’t display in Windows 7 because these files use ID3v24 and Explorer on Windows 7 !

Also they may not be working in your player because the files are encoded using UTF-8 rather than the more common ISO-8859-1. As you are only encountering this problem for a few files it will because these fields such as artist and album already existed in the file before Jaikoz was used, and when changes were made in Jaikoz the encoding was preserved. I can confirm this by looking at the file in a hex editor, whereby I can see new fields such as Musicbrainz Release Id are encoded using IS0-8859-1, but of course Windows is not interested in these fields.

So you have a few choices.

  1. If you must see the information in Windows Explorer you need to save your files as ID3v23, go to Preferences/Save/ID3v2 Tag/Write tag Version and set to V23. Then load your files, Jaikoz will automatically change the version to ID3v23 and mark the file as changed, then simply Save Changes

  2. If want to keep as ID3v24 but have the details displayed properly in your player, then enable Preferences/Save/ID3v2 Tag/Save existing field using these Encoding Preferences . The load your files and do Force Save

maybe this is part of the issue? and im confused…

FOr windows 7 you say save as v23 or v24? i just opened the prefs, and i have ISO encoding and V23 already selected (left default).

The two mp3’s i sent you Colbie mp3 has info, katy mp3 did not. Colbie was encoded prior to upgrading to the new version.

Hi, you only sent me one file (the Katy Perry file) Ive double checked and that was encoded as V24. If your settings now say V23 just try File/Force Save and that should fix it for you. These settings work correctly so I can can only assume that at one point they were set to V24.

I found a pattern to the issue… I checked my prefs all is set to v23. I processed 170 files all looked good, it showed V23 in blue… but when auto correct was finished it didnt save v23. i looked at all of the processed files and no album art in win 7… i reopend all processed files with jaikoz and v23 was all in blue again, i hit save, and it worked… Question is, why does it not save in the auto process?

Here is my process list:

Local Correct Artist
Local Correct Release
Local Correct Title
Local Correct Genre
Local Correct Track
Local Correct Year
Local Correct Artist
Local Correct Artwork
Retrieve Acoustic Ids
Correct Metadata from MusicBrainz
Correct Metadata from Discogs
Correct Lyrics
Save Changes
Correct Filename From Metadata
Delete Duplicates
Save and Move if Matched

I have to reopen them all after auto process and click the save icon before they are viewable in win 7 or v23??

Thanks again for all of your help.
windows 7 32-bit
5GB ram
Xeon e5335 Quad