SongKong Jaikoz

SongKong and Jaikoz Music Tagger Community Forum

Black discogs pictures

Hi, I have strange issue. Ive updated MBID and Discogs url for this release

Getting black images from thumbtail, some of them are displayed correctly . see attached screenshot

Replicated the problem artwork comes from Discogs, but I havent identified what is problebatic about it yet

Seems that black images are 1bit gif with one colour - black ( and transparent background )
Displayable images are 256colours with transparent bg too.

Maybe in albumart view youre using as background white, instead in tagger row youre using black colour

No its no that, but we resize the original artwork to provide smaller versions for display within the Edit Pane and the Details Tab, and the resize is creating this all black information, Im going to try an alternative Imaging library.

Using the different library worked, the question is do I use it by default for everything. but anyway should be in the new beta.