I think I thought of a really good idea for an enhancement.
Okay, you have the options in which you can choose whether or not to have Jaikoz choose a match based on what’s most popular if there is no metadata match or choose the single match if there is no metadata match. As an improvement to these options, Jaikoz could ask you to select ALL of the different genres of music your collection could have (or at least the collection you’ll submit), based on a list of genres given to you by Jaikoz. Then, if there is no metadata match, and multiple matches, it can first rule out songs of genres you didn’t select - then choose the most popular one among those. And if there is no metadata match, and a single match shows up, and it is not of a genre you selected, then it wouldn’t choose it.
Although, the only problem I foresee with this is that deciding what genre a band is of is not an exact science. I have come acrossed songs marked as “rock,” “general rock,” etc., and then much more specific genres. Deciding on a genre of a band or song is biased.
So, the CORE genres could be given (not the list of EVERY genre a song could be given), like rock, pop, techno, country, etc. (the genres on the level that are least related), then have subgenres. and maybe subsubgenres. A user could just choose “rock” and not any subgenres, knowing for sure what every one of his or her songs goes under the genre of “rock.” Or, they could choose subgenres or subsubgenres.
The assigned genre of a song wouldn’t need to be changed. When looking at a song, Jaikoz could know which higher level of genre that song’s genre goes under, and maybe even a higher level than that. So, if a user just chose “rock,” and if a song is classified under “punk,” Jaikoz could choose that song as a possible match and then choose the most popular based on the possible matches (the possible matches being under the genre[s] selected).
I know that Jaikoz was designed for large collections of music, but, for small collections, a list of all known artists could be added and the same principle applied: the user would select every possible artist that could be in their music. And, if the options are selected, Jaikoz would narrow down multiiple, non-mata matches to those artists and then choose the most popular.
And maybe even albums…
I guess it could also be possible for Jaikoz to base this off the genres that you already have, the user not having to select genres, but this wouldn’t be as accurate, because it is possible that your current genre information could be wrong, the information Jaikoz tags it for genre could be wrong, no metadata might exist, and it is possible that all the songs with no metadata matches happen to be of a completely different genre than the songs with metadata matches. But the user having to select genres wouldn’t take that much time, and the user wouldn’t even have to implement the option for Jaikoz to auto-match based on genre and popularity, anyway.
This would help make auto-choosing a match when no metadata match is available much more reliable, as it would narrow the matches to choose down to what the specific collection has. And even if there IS no metadata, the person would at least know what genres he likes and would have on his or her collection.