SongKong Jaikoz

SongKong and Jaikoz Music Tagger Community Forum

Beta Replace ... To Character

In the last beta, I checked File and Folder Correct -> File and Folder Naming -> Replace From character with to character. And now the filenames are like this
Chris Barber’s Jazz Band_-_Ice Cream.mp3

If I uncheck the checkbox and use on the context menu again: File and Folder Correct -> Correct filenames from metadata the filenames stay the same. I don’t get rid of the underline anymore :frowning:

Let me paraphrase you to see if I understand you right.

You enable Replace From character with to character and don’t modify the list of replace chars. Then you run Correct Filename from Metadata and it replaces spaces with underscores. You then disable Replace From character with to character and run Correct Filename from Metadata again and there is no change, you still have underscores instead of spaces.

If I have understood this right I don’t get this problem, on the 2nd run of Correct Filename from Metadata I once again get spaces instead of underscores.

Did you run anything other tasks inbetween, could you try this again ?

Yes, that’s what I did.

After that, I deleted the underscore from the list and unchecked Replace From character with to character and run Correct Filename from Metadata again, but the filename stays the same
Chris Barber’s Jazz Band_-_Ice Cream.mp3
I didn’t shutdown Jaikoz in between, so I will try it again, when I have the time to shutdown Jaikoz (in the moment Jaikoz is running for 25000 MB Release Ids and this takes time)

Now again.
Started Jaikoz with Preferences -> File and Folder Naming -> with no underscore in the list!!! and Replace From character with to character unchecked !!!
run Correct Filename from Metadata again, but the filename stays the same :frowning:
That’s repeatable :frowning:

Now I added to the list --> From: _ To: blanc with Replace From character with to character checked !!!
run Correct Filename from Metadata again and the filename changed to
Chris Barber’s Jazz Band - Ice Cream.mp3 :slight_smile:

Deleted the just added line in the list and tried again, filename stays without underscore.
I don’t know what happened before, but now it seems to work like designed :slight_smile:

Just happened the same.:shock:

Without the default line in the list --> From: blanc To: _ with Replace From character with to character [color=blue]unchecked[/color] all files had underscore in the filename after using Correct Filename from Metadata. How could that happen :?

So I again added to the list --> From: _ To: blanc with Replace From character with to character checked !!!
run Correct Filename from Metadata again and the filename changed to :slight_smile:
Chris Barber’s Jazz Band - Ice Cream.mp3

Do you have underscores in the original metadata because the changes are applied to the metadata to create the filename, to put it another way the existing filename is not relevent because the filename is created from the metadata (Unless the song doesn’t have any suitable metadata) and looking at the code it doesnt do anything if the ‘Replace Character …’ checkbox is not ticked.

I need to quickly decide whether there is a bug or a misunderstanding on your part because this is the only outstanding issue preventing the full release of Jaikoz 3.6.0 !

The songs were treated with Jaikoz before and had no underscore in the filename-column in the edit-window.
That’s the only thing I can say.

Once more I tested some files without the default line in the list --> From: blanc To: _ with Replace From character with to character [color=blue]unchecked[/color]. And there were no underscore in the filename.
I don’t know how the underscore were inserted in the filename before.

Because I never use underscore in the filename, I let the line From: _ To: blanc for security reason in the list. In opposite to your default. :slight_smile: