SongKong Jaikoz

SongKong and Jaikoz Music Tagger Community Forum

Bad progress

Checking 159 files, but 160 processed ? :slight_smile: See attachment

Same here. Was wondering if my library is going on it’s own :wink:

yeah, this has been reported before, but hardly a show stopper -its only a guide.

And why not to divide into 2 progressbars ?
1st - Jaikoz actions
2nd - mb/acoustic id progress or any other sub process ?

[quote=pschonmann]And why not to divide into 2 progressbars ?
1st - Jaikoz actions
2nd - mb/acoustic id progress or any other sub process ?[/quote]
Thats on my todo list

I hope that next release will be gift on 24th December in super duper Xmas collection :mrgreen: