SongKong Jaikoz

SongKong and Jaikoz Music Tagger Community Forum

Autocorrector Stops Running

New to Jaikoz and like what I see so far…but:

  • I load about 200-300 songs into the app, run the autocorrector and it gets into task 9 of 12, somewhere in the low teens for “songs processed so far” and then just stops.

  • When I hit cancel and restart autocorrect again, it gets to 9 of 12 again, but then will not check even a single song with musicbrainz.

  • When I cancel again, I click “tagging songs with MusicBrainz”, but nothing happens. Just sits on “checking 221 songs” with no progress.

At this point, my only real option is to restart the app.

I know my connectivity is not an issue because I can run Picard without error and if I restart Jaikoz, it will go through the process again. Here are a few observations/ideas:

  • Sometimes is stalls / freezes on the Discogs component. Could this just be a really really long delay (or some networking component causing the subsystem to stop…like a stuck thread or something)

  • If I keep the number of songs down below 100, I have not seen it happen [I take it back…I have seen it a few times]. I tried to increase the memory in the JVM to 768mb but it still doesn’t help (i’m not seeing memory errors…and it still can fail even after a restart).

  • I tried turning off Zonealarm and Avast with the hopes one of those was interfering with communication.

  • All my MP3s have already been through Picard, so I feel pretty good about their quality

  • I normally don’t have connectivity issues (using a broswer, other networked apps).

Let me know what kind of detail you need to help diagnose, I have a lot of songs that I’d like to autocorrect and would prefer to work in large sets.

  • Jaikoz 3.8.3 using Java 1.6.0_23 19.0-b09 32bit on Windows XP 5.1 x86 initialized successfully

Well, starting to diagnose my problem more by turning on logging. This is where it sits frozen. I captured it from the .bat (msdos console) so it’s not complete…maybe there’s a way to route it to a file?

08/01/2011 19.08.44:com.jthink.jaikoz.manipulate.musicbrainzhelper.MusicBrainzSe
rverQuery:delayQuery:FINE: TagFromMusicbrainz_Worker:4:Enter Query at Sat Jan 08
 19:08:44 EST 2011
08/01/2011 19.08.44:com.jthink.jaikoz.manipulate.discogshelper.DiscogsRESTQuery:
getInstance:CONFIG: Creating new DiscogsRESTQuery instance:5
08/01/2011 19.08.44:com.jthink.jaikoz.manipulate.CorrectFromMusicBrainzBySongWor
ker:call:SEVERE: Starting CorrectSongFromMusicBrainzWorker2 for:12:08 - Salisman
08/01/2011 19.08.44:com.jthink.jaikoz.manipulate.musicbrainzhelper.MusicBrainzRE
STQuery:updateSongByTrackMetadata:INFO: Rec No:12 Match by Metadata
08/01/2011 19.08.44:com.jthink.jaikoz.manipulate.musicbrainzhelper.MusicBrainzRE
STQuery:findMatchByMetadata:FINEST: Started MusicBrainzRestQuery.findMatchByMeta
08/01/2011 19.08.44:com.jthink.jaikoz.manipulate.musicbrainzhelper.MusicBrainzRE
STQuery:queryMusicBrainzRemotelyForTrackListByTitle:FINEST: Started MusicBrainzR
08/01/2011 19.08.45:com.jthink.jaikoz.manipulate.musicbrainzhelper.MusicBrainzSe
rverQuery:delayQuery:INFO: TagFromMusicbrainz_Worker:4:Delaying for 812 ms
08/01/2011 19.08.45:com.jthink.jaikoz.manipulate.musicbrainzhelper.MusicBrainzSe
rverQuery:delayQuery:FINE: TagFromMusicbrainz_Worker:5:Enter Query at Sat Jan 08
 19:08:45 EST 2011
08/01/2011 19.08.45:com.jthink.jaikoz.manipulate.musicbrainzhelper.MusicBrainzSe
rverQuery:doQuery:SEVERE: 19:08:45:605:URL:
pe=xml&limit=15&query=(track:"Zurabo Blue" ) AND (artist:"Antonello Salis" )
08/01/2011 19.08.45:com.jthink.jaikoz.manipulate.musicbrainzhelper.MusicBrainzRE
STQuery:queryMusicBrainzRemotelyForTrackListByTitle:FINEST: Exited MusicBrainzRe
08/01/2011 19.08.45:com.jthink.jaikoz.manipulate.musicbrainzhelper.MusicBrainzRE
STQuery:findMatchByMetadata:FINEST: Finished MusicBrainzRestQuery.findMatchByMet
08/01/2011 19.08.45:com.jthink.jaikoz.manipulate.musiciphelper.PUIDQuery:generat
ePUID:FINER: generatePuid:Start:Y:\\collections\\music\\org\\all\\Antonello Salis\\Pia
nosolo\\01 - Zurabo Blue.mp3:Sat Jan 08 19:08:45 EST 2011
08/01/2011 19.08.46:com.jthink.jaikoz.manipulate.musicbrainzhelper.MusicBrainzSe
rverQuery:delayQuery:INFO: TagFromMusicbrainz_Worker:5:Delaying for 1000 ms
08/01/2011 19.08.46:com.jthink.jaikoz.manipulate.musicbrainzhelper.MusicBrainzSe
rverQuery:doQuery:SEVERE: 19:08:46:605:URL:
pe=xml&limit=15&query=(track:"Salismaninoff" ) AND (artist:"Antonello Salis" )

08/01/2011 19.08.46:com.jthink.jaikoz.manipulate.musicbrainzhelper.MusicBrainzRE
STQuery:queryMusicBrainzRemotelyForTrackListByTitle:FINEST: Exited MusicBrainzRe
08/01/2011 19.08.46:com.jthink.jaikoz.manipulate.musicbrainzhelper.MusicBrainzRE
STQuery:findMatchByMetadata:FINEST: Finished MusicBrainzRestQuery.findMatchByMet
08/01/2011 19.08.46:com.jthink.jaikoz.manipulate.musiciphelper.PUIDQuery:generat
ePUID:FINER: generatePuid:Start:Y:\\collections\\music\\org\\all\\Antonello Salis\\Pia
nosolo\\08 - Salismaninoff.mp3:Sat Jan 08 19:08:46 EST 2011

Hi, yes if you use Advanced/Create Support Files it will create a zip file containing your logs, that would be useful.

But from the output below it looks like it is getting stuck trying to generate a puid for a particular song, dont’t know why that is happening but it should timeout after 5 minutes how long did you leave it for ?

If you remove this particular file Y:\collections\music\org\all\Antonello Salis\Pianosolo\08 - Salismaninoff.mp3 from your loaded files does it work ?

Because its a Y: drive I guess its a networked drive, that can slow things down especially if its a wireless network , does it work if you move your songs to a local drive ?

Thanks for the reply.

Yes, Y is a networked drive, but it’s gigabit ethernet so, it’s pretty quick. I tried a few things:

  • Moving a set of files to a local drive…Unfortunately it still gets stuck.

  • The set completed when the “Salismaninof” mp3 (and the entire album) was not included. There is something in this album that is causing the musicbrainz component to fail.

It looks like that 5 minute timeout actually does something. I let it sit for a while and it eventually came back. Maybe it’s a minor delay/failure and I should just be more patient?

  • It not only in musicbrainz where it gets stuck. I’m running through a session now where it completed the MB part and is now stuck on Discogs. Sometimes in the console I see a message like this:
Jan 9, 2011 11:13:51 AM: WARNING: Problem with Discogs Candidate Releases:soul of the tango: the music of astor piazzolla (feat. cello: yo-yo ma):astor piazzolla:com.jthink.jaikoz.exception.InvalidDiscogsQueryException: URL: piazzolla soul of the tango: the music of astor piazzolla (feat. cello: yo-yo ma) failed

Is this a communication failure? I normally have pretty good internet connectivity.

  • I can provide a link to a video walkthrough if seeing the problem is helpful…though I have a feeling some deeper logging / debugging to pinpoint the exact cause.

  • How should I send the support zip? (email/attchment?)

You can just email the attachment to me support at jthink dot net. But it would really help if you can determine if it does completely hang or just appear to hang by leaving it to continue.

I think it may be the second, Jaikoz used to work simply song by song, every song would either be matched/not-matched there and then so the progress bar would count up every few seconds. But now songs are matched at release level, if that fails we try and match at song level, and if that fails we might try and get a puid ecetera, so after trying to match a song and failing Jaikoz might still match it in a later pass, but because at this point it hasnt made a match the progress bar doesnt update.

The situation is compilcated in that puids can now be caiculated as part of the Match to Musicbrainz task, where before they were always in a seperate Retrieve Acoustic Ids task.

So if my summary is correct I need to improve the progress bar to provide information on what Jaikoz is actually doing, not just what has been matched.

You could try disabling Preferences :MusicBrainz : AmpliFIND : Analyse and Submit tracks that do not Exist in The AmpliFIND Database because it is for these tracks that fingerprinting can take awhile

At this point, I would say that it does both :stuck_out_tongue:

I think I was a little impatient (waited like 2-3 minutes) before hitting cancel, thinking it was really stuck. In fact, it would come back near 5 minutes and continue.

I have done a few autocorrections that have (seemingly) not progressed in over 10 minutes, but I am finding that this is the minority.

I think I have a better handle on the behaviour now (and I think a better display on current connections / operations would help log hounds like myself).

I do have a functional question. Is it possible for Jaikoz to work on a directory by directory basis? For example, I have a directory tree that looks something like:

main (150k songs) ->
Artist One (10 songs)
Arist Two (20 songs)
Artist Last (10 songs)

I’d like to cover all of the directories under main, without having to manually load each artist directory. For example, if I currently point “open folder” to main, it will try to load 150k songs…not the best for memory…but if I do each folder manually (or in groups of 10 or 100), it’s a lot of manual work to get through the whole set.

It would be nice if I could just point it at main, have it to autocorrect on each direct subdirectory it finds, one at a time. This might improve automation and reduce memory footprint.

(I included this in another post

Or perhaps you have a better suggestion for working with large sets.


Hi, the trouble with your idea (that has been suggested before) is that goes against Jaikozes ethics of check before you save, you have no chance to review the changes before the filles get closed and the new folders opened.
I have thought about creating a full autoamted tagging with a minimal ui, but its not got past an idea yet.

In the meantime when you use the Open Folder dialog you dont just have to select just one folder, you can select multiple folders in the same directory. So I would recommeding working in batches of artists, perhaps 10,000 songs at a time.

Jaikoz can also open songs listed in a playlist.

Yes. I see the issue. (and I do choose several directories at the same time now).

I don’t want to bug you too much…but are the changes that have not yet been applied to the mp3s stored in memory or in some kind of DB first? If it’s not in memory, this might be an option (like just accumulate the changes in the DB and apply when complete).

Thanks for listening (and a great app).

The longstanding issues is not the changes itself, it is that the amount of memory used is proportional t the number of songs loaded because the songs are not held in memory (well they are but only so initial load doesn’t have to go to filesystem if file unchanged)

This was a design mistake I made early on, and it has been discussed a number of times, however it is rather difficult to change, this will happen but it keeps getting delayed because of other issues/enhancements/new requests/life ectera

Strange, when i run get acoustic id ive got them all ok, then musicbrainz autocorrection - nothing find.

But when i keypressed CTRL+SHIFT+ALT+5 ( horrible hotkeys :slight_smile: ) manual correction i got rank 78 ( i think its enough to tag 75 min isnt it ? )

I tried to find sliders where i can change these numbers - priorities, but i didnt found it in settings.

hUH, icon from toolbar doesnt work, but hotkeys yes - select tracks and press ctrl+alt+5

Preferences > Rmt Correct > Match

Only match cmplt releases unticked and now works for all.

I didnt quite follow what you were saying in the last few posts, but I think this problem with no matches has already been fixed for next release

I’m having the same issue with the latest version of Jaikoz. It’s been sitting for hours now on “Update Metadata from existing MusicBrainz Ids” on a certain song. I know if I remove that song I can get past it, but I’ve been having this problem with several songs. I remove the song it gets stuck on and restart it, but it keeps hanging on songs (and I’m pretty sure I’ve seen it get seven or eight stages past this one before). I run behind a proxy that gets booted a few times an hour, and I get a different IP when it reconnects, could this cause a problem?

How about a specific “skip” button that will completely skip the song currently being processed?

Jaikoz 3.10 has just been released, now if a song/grouping hasnt been matched after 5 minutes it should get skipped please give it a go.

I don’t know don’t about the ip problem but its certainly possible , I like your skip idea and have added to the todo list.