SongKong Jaikoz

SongKong and Jaikoz Music Tagger Community Forum

Auto sorting / loss of selection

Not sure if these are bugs or should be on the wishlist.

Auto sorting:
There is still some auto sorting in the program. If for instance I do a online manual correct and the artist changes. If I then do a auto correct on the record the list is sorted again. Which causes me to “loose” the file from my screen. I have to relocate it to change the filename, get artwork etc after which I have to remember where I was before.
Ideally I would like the list to only be sorted when I ask for it.

Loss of selection:
I think these two are related. What I mean is if you use one or more of the top boxes (genre, artist, album) to make a selection on for example an album. I f you then change the artist for example and press enter you loose the selection. Which can be “annoying”
Imagine selecting a filter, change the artist, redo the filter, change the titel, redo the filter etc etc.

Auto Sorting:I don’t think they are being sorted, but the filtering is getting lost, this shoudnt be happening.

Loss of Selection:if you change the value of the filtered value, then the value will disappear from the list wont it ?

That is logical. The record doesn’t match the filter anymore so it’s no longer visible.
What I mean is if i make a filter on an album and then change the artist, the filter vanishes. To quote somebody “That’s illogical captain” :slight_smile:

This is fixed in Jaikoz 1.12 which is released today.