SongKong Jaikoz

SongKong and Jaikoz Music Tagger Community Forum

Auto-correct artwork doesn't correct # of artworks

Hi Paul,

I’ve come across another issue in v3.2.1 concerning artwork:

In preferences I have the maximum # of album covers set to “1” and maximum size to “1MB”, yet when I run the local auto-correct Jaikoz doesn’t seem to find and correct all my albums with more than 1 artwork.

I’ve even tried manually selecting the multiple-artwork albums and running “Local Correct -> Artwork”, with no success.

Thanks for letting us know.


Local Correct Artwork doesn’t overwrite artwork already added to the file, it is for adding artwork from the same folder as the song resides in when the song doesnt currently have any artwork.

Hi, paul

I do not know if this is related to this issue, but fetching from discogs isnt working too. I tried to empty cache too. Discogs URL is filled.

Thx, Update from Discogs Artwork now fixed in dev.

Fixed in 3.2.2

For quick fix !

Thanks Paul. Somehow I thought that I could use this function to delete existing multiple artworks (I have a lot of files with 2 or 3 of the SAME artwork and I was looking for a way to trim this fat). If there is some other way to do this with Jaikoz, thanks for letting us know.

Martin :slight_smile:

No, not at the moment. I can only suggest deleting all artwork by selecting fields and then ‘Delete’ option, then re-aadding the artwork if you have it available.