SongKong Jaikoz

SongKong and Jaikoz Music Tagger Community Forum

Auto capitalizer issue


I do have a lot of files where the artist tag is all capitalized, but when i set, that jaikoz should start every word with a capital letter at auto format it just leaves my artists all capitalized, is there a way to get this fixed?
The only way to get rid of the capitalisation is to set all letters to be small at auto format, but i don’t want that either…


When you say ALL artists, do you really mean this.

Jaikoz will leave words with five or less characters uppercase because it assumes they are acronymns. So for these you would have to convert to lower case and then back to title case. But except for this case should work as required.

If you artist field is all in capitals to start with then it is isn’t a bad idea to convert to lowercase and then back to title case to start with.

That’s a good idea, but it’s not possible to do this within the auto corrector (when i press command+1) because i have to change the settings… too bad. Can’t i just set this 5 character = acronym thing to about 2 or 3 characters?

No you cant change it easily on a case by case business.