SongKong Jaikoz

SongKong and Jaikoz Music Tagger Community Forum

Artwork problem

It seems that there is a albumart problem. I recognized lot�s of false albumart when i looked at the files in foobar ( checked also with MP3Tag ).
So i looked at a folder of lot�s of songs from a-ha with different releases.

I made a update of all files through MB, saved and closed them. Opened them again in foobar … all files have the same cover. Opened again in Jaikoz, same result.
I am using v23 with UTF-16.

Hi, sorry I cant follow what you are saying. Is Jaikoz adding files that arent really images, or the wrong images, or is it not deleting images added by another program.

It seems Jaikoz is changing the albumart. All files in one folder became the same cover. After updating the files through MB, everything is ok. When i now close the files and load them again, lot�s of songs have the same cover.

For example: I have a folder of the group a-ha with 9 subfolder. All of these gets the same cover after reloading.

The same happens to many other files. I have checked it with MP3Tag and foobar, same result.

Hello, I experienced the same issue with Jaikoz last version:
When you update your songs with the “autocorrect tags from Musicbrainz”, Tags are updated but after saving, all songs will get the same artwork image as the very last song which has an updated artwork.
You can see that in different ways:
Use any song player on your computer to see that updated tag of your songs have all the same artwork
Choose ?view artwork full-size" in Jaikoz, all images would be the same.
Any ideas to help us?

Haven�t checked it right now. Hopefully this happens only to images Jaikoz has filled in!

Same annoying issue popped up here. Could this have to do with the recent Jaikoz update? I don’t think it happened before that… Bummer because I just tagged lots of (and than some) files. In relatively small parts, so I don’t even have a way to find out how many have been affected. There isn’t an option that allows you to only tag album art? That would be nice after a fix, so I wouldn’t have to retag everything once again.

Ok, thanks for the additional info Im looking into it.

BTW: it’s persistent, in that rebuilding the iTunes library didn’t correct this problem. Just for your information. Tracing back: it seems not to have occured before February, 25th. Don’t know when the last version was released, but this may help you track the issue.

Question: is it possible to disable finding/adding album art? That would solve it. I use additional programs to track art anyway. Thanks!

Yes, go to Preferences/Musicbrainz/Format and Change the artwork field to ‘Never populate this field’

Thanks. That’ll do perfectly!

Same bug here. It’s the last artist’s album artwork that gets added to almost all my files. After saving, it doen’t show up in in jaikoz, but if you close and restart the program the library reloads with the incorrect embedded art.

I love the program, but I see this as a major bug.

There will be a fix for this in the coming week.

Ive just released Jaikoz v2.3.1 which fixe sthis problem :smiley:


You fixed it, thanks.
It’s a great software !

Well it didn’t fix the problem for me. Now, no artwork is populated when I’m tagging data from Musicbrainz.

I got the artwork option on “always populated this field” and I even erased all the existing artwork before doing so.

Help Paul! :slight_smile:

Is it really no artwork, or just confined to a few albums that Jaikoz cant find the artwork for ?

No artwork at all. All fields remain to 0.

How many tracks are you trying this on, I assume you have a Musicbrainz Id, but do you have an Amazon Id fo any of the tracks - if so could you give me an example of one.