SongKong Jaikoz

SongKong and Jaikoz Music Tagger Community Forum

Apple Lossless problem with 3.3.1 & Snow Leopard

I get a error everytime I try to save a changed apple lossless file. mp3 files work great.

I’m not sure if this started when I upgraded to SL or iTunes 9.

Dialog box attached.


HI, I’ll need your support files (Advanced/Create Support Files) and one of these files to investigate. I expect the problem is specific to these files and would have occurred on earlier versions of Jaikoz.

I am getting what looks like the exact same error with .m4a AAC files. The mp3 files work fine. I have been ripping the discs with Max, some in AAC some MP3 and then running them through Jaikoz to make sure the metadata is complete and correct (a little context).


Support file sent via email as I could attach it to my post.

I’ve previously edited the tags on these files with previous versions of Jaikoz, I’ve tried dozens of apple lossless files and none work for me.

Thanks for your quick and speedy reply.


Yes unfortunately there is an error. The error can only can only occur if you save a NON mp3 file AND you have iTunes updating enabled (by having Preferences/Save/iTunes Autoupdate/Automtically update iTunes Library checked) and even then it may not happen depending on the path of the file.
If you are only using mp3s there is no problem, otherwise the workaround is disable auto-updating iTunes.

EDIT:I’ve sqeezed in a release that fixes this, Jaikoz 3.3.2

Thanks for your quick attention! It works like it always did.