I can’t seem to make folder renaming based on metadata behave the way I want it to.
As an example: I have an album named “Motetten und Kantaten” with the albumartist being “John Eliot Gardiner”
The folder structure I want is a single folder named using albumartist and album:
…/John Eliot Gardiner - Motetten und Kantatten
The folder structure I am winding up with is
…/John Eliot Gardiner/Motetten und Kantaten
i.e. A folder with the album name nested inside a folder with the albumartist name.
Does Jaikoz enforce the hierarchy? As far as I can can tell my Javascript is correct:
function pad(number, length) {
\tif (number == ‘’) {
\t\treturn ‘’;
\tvar str = ‘’ + number;
\twhile (str.length < length) {
\t\tstr = ‘0’ + str;
\treturn str;
function ifnotempty(value, sep) {
\treturn value.length > 0 ? value + sep : ‘’;
function ifnotempty2(value1, value2, sep) {
\treturn value1.length > 0 ? value1 + sep : value2.length > 0 ? value2 + sep : ‘’;
ifnotempty2(albumartist, artist, folderseparator) + ifnotempty(album, folderseparator)
Thanks in advance…