[quote=oillio]The main problem I am still having is Jaikoz picks a different album for one or two tracks in a directory, when they should all be the same. It doesn’t look like cluster fixes this.
So, for example: I have a directory with the 8 tracks for Tool’s “Tales From the Darkside” album. The Artist, Title, and Track fields are all correct. 7 of the tracks are properly identified. But One track (Flood) is ID’s as being from the “ToolTime” album. When I try to manually correct the track the Tales From the Darkside version isn’t even on the list. The odd thing is that the only Tool Flood found is the ToolTime one, the rest are from different artists. And there are several versions of Tool Flood out there. I have to open the albums page on MusicBrainz, find the track, and manually copy the Track ID into Jaikoz.
It is difficult to say for sure, but how long is your track ?
Because the version of Flood on Tooltime is 3:27, whereas the version on Tales from the Darkside is 3:40. Im assuming your version is 3:27.
Jaikoz only returns tracks that are within the ‘Preferences\Musicbrainz\Match\Track Duration must be within this no of seconds’ because this checks against really bad matches.
Possibly the Musicbrainz database is incorrect.
This would have to be a seperate action, because wouldnt like to assume that just because tracks were in the same folder they were from the same album, one obvious example is if you have a dump folder containing all the tracks that you havent sorted yet. Do you want to expand on this idea a little bit more for me ?
And if that fails, when manually IDing tracks from MusicBrainz Jaikoz should also try to pull the albums from the tracks in the same directory and try to match something up.[/quote]
At first glance, sounds a bit risky