The Match to Album submenu has actions that allow us to match the listed files to particular album using different methods.
Match Songs to one MusicBrainz Album
Tries to match all the selected songs to one MusicBrainz Release. This is very useful if your songs are listed as being from various albums but you know they all belong on a single album. Jaikoz will only allow the match if it has been possible to match all songs to another song on the release, and track lengths are approximately the same.
Match Songs to Specified MusicBrainz Album…
Tries to match all the selected songs to specified MusicBrainz Release. This is very useful if you have already found the MusicBrainz release you want the songs to be linked to. You can also search for a release here, selecting the Search button opens up Advanced Release Search . From here you can do advanced release search, this works the same way as doing an advanced release search on the MusicBrainz website, once you select a good match this is used for matching your songs. It is also useful to force a match to a release that is not allowed by Match Songs to one MusicBrainz Release because Jaikoz will warn you if there are anomalies but allow you to ignore warnings and match anyway.
Match Songs to MusicBrainz Album by Barcode…
Tries to match all the selected songs to specified MusicBrainz album matching on bar code, this is useful if you have been digitising an album and have the physical record available, saves you doing a MusicBrainz search. If there are multiple albums with the same barcode Jaikoz will score them and select the one with the best score.
Match Songs to MusicBrainz Album by Catno…
Tries to match all the selected songs to specified MusicBrainz album matching on catalogue no, this is useful if you have been digitising an album and have the physical record available, saves you doing a MusicBrainz search. If there are multiple albums with the same catalogue no Jaikoz will score them and select the one with the best score.
Match Songs to one Discogs Album
Tries to match all the selected songs to one Discogs Release. This is very useful if your songs are listed as being from various albums but you know they all belong on a single album
Match Songs to Specified Discogs Album…
Tries to match all the selected songs to specified Discogs Release. This is very useful if you have already found the Discogs release you want the songs to be linked to. If your songs are not close matches to the selected release in duration Jaikoz warns you and gives you the chance to match to the release anyway.
Match Songs to Discogs Album by Barcode…
Tries to match all the selected songs to specified Discogs album matching on bar code, this is useful if you have been digitising an album and have the physical record available, saves you doing a Discogs search. If there are multiple albums with the same barcode Jaikoz will score them and select the one with the best score.
Match Songs to Discogs Album by Catno…
Tries to match all the selected songs to specified Discogs album matching on catalogue no, this is useful if you have been digitising an album and have the physical record available, saves you doing a Discogs search. If there are multiple albums with the same catalogue no Jaikoz will score them and select the one with the best score.