SongKong Jaikoz

SongKong and Jaikoz Music Tagger Community Forum

Acoustid ID being returned as "coustid Id"

I searched for an answer to this without luck. Pardon me if it’s come up before.

I’ve just realized that for a bunch of my tracks, (over 1000 of them), the Acoustid ID was returned and stored as “coustid Id”.

This has created quite a problem, as it appears many of my tracks got deleted when using the delete duplicates based off of identical acoustid IDs.

Any suggestions?

Oh dear that is unfortunate, were you able to retrieve the deleted songs. No I have never encountered this issue before but please could you send me your support files (Advanced:Create Support Files) so I can look for possible causes.

Created so at least enure if ids are invalid cannot accidently delete with Delete Duplicates

Thanks. I’m coming up against something else, when I was trying to workaround this issue.

When I use the delete function on the Acoustid Id cell, it appears clear, but then if I try the ‘retrieve Acoustid Id’ function, it still says that track already has an Id.

Only when I delete all of the metadata for the track, will a proper Acoustid Id populate that cell that appeared to be blank.

You may be able to duplicate this by right-clicking any Acoustid Id cell, then choosing delete. From there, try to run the retrieve Acoustid Id action. When I do this, it won’t re-populate the cell because it says it already has an Id.

I think you need to empty the Acoustic Fingerprint field as well. A fingerprint is calculated locally then an Acoustid linked to that fingerprint is retrieved from the Acoustid server. I think (maybe incorrectly) that Jaikoz assumes that if you have a fingerprint but not an acoustid it is simply because there is no associated acoustid for the fingerprint yet and doesn’t do anything when in fact there is non need to regenerate the acoustic fingerprint but it could check if there was now an id for the fingerprint.

Yes, that seemed to help. The fingerprint cells also contained “coustid Fingerprint