SongKong Jaikoz

SongKong and Jaikoz Music Tagger Community Forum

Acoustic ID?

When I ask Jaikoz to retrieve Acoustic ID on a batch of songs, I get nothing back. It seems that creating the Acoustic fingerprint is working, but not matching to the ID.

Interestingly, if I go song by song, then mostly I will get an ID back. If I delete the retrieved IDs, and ask Jaikoz to re-retrieve IDs for songs where I know an ID exists, then it returns IDs for that subsetted batch.

The issue seems to be that if an ID doesn’t exist for even 1 song in a batch, it won’t report back any. Actually, since Jaikoz processes in sets of 20, you can get IDs back for the first 20 songs in a large batch, but nothing after that if song 27 (for example) is the song without an ID in the database.

Using 5.4.0 on Mac 10.6.8.

Okay, Ive raised this for further investigation.

For me, creating the AcoustId Fingerprint doesn’t work either.

I read this blog post:

and then cleared out my Acoustid Id and Acoustid Fingerprint columns.

Then I clicked “Retrieve Acoustic ID”.

I only get AcoustId Fingerprints and IDs for 40 songs out of hundreds. If I “Retrieve Acoustic ID” for a specific song, it seems to work.

Since identifying that a fingerprint could be matched to multiple acoustids I had to change how we process the results back from Acoustid, found one check missing which I think is causing this issue, fixing this fixed an error thrown when running Retrive Acoustid or the dataset of testfiles provided by jaudiotagger.

Using the task “Retrieve Acoustic Id (acousticid) using Acoustid server” gives me the message:
[color=blue]Retrieved 221 Acoustid fingerprints successfully
Completed retrieval of Acoustid fingerprints and Ids for 0 songs

And the columns of Acoustid Fingerprint and Acoustid Id are empty :frowning:

Can you email me your support files so I can check for an exception

Supportfile sent to you :smiley:

Hi, Ive checked the logs and no errors were logged, Ive also tested Retrieve AcoustIds out and it seems to be working okay. So I wonder if you could run a few more tests to aid us in working out when the situation occurs.

As you say support files can get large, and often I’m only interested in the last run of Jaikoz so Ive raised this issue but in the meantime you can manually clear out your support files if no longer required by deleting files in:

Home : Library : Logs : Jaikoz



new support file sent to you

Support file _1 and _2 sent to you for further investigation

No errors seen in the logs but Im building a test release for you to try with fixed to see if that resolves it

Sent you the new test-results with the test-release

[quote=Alfg]Using the task “Retrieve Acoustic Id (acousticid) using Acoustid server” gives me the message:
[color=blue]Retrieved 221 Acoustid fingerprints successfully
Completed retrieval of Acoustid fingerprints and Ids for 0 songs

And the columns of Acoustid Fingerprint and Acoustid Id are empty :frowning: [/quote]

I would assume that every song should have an acousticid fingerprint created and added to the fingerprint field regardless if a matching acousticid was found for that track?

I am noticing something similar. Any ideas on when the next version of jaikoz will be out with the fix you have in jira?

For me i will run a get acousticids and it will run through and get all the finger prints and add none of the fingerprints or acousticids to jaikoz even though it says it has created them. However I can go through in small groups or one by one and do them and some will get added and some won’t. Really just depends on a couple of individual tracks or sometimes even albums. Majority of the time the ones that have this problem in my collection are either bootleg album compilations or live performances.

It doesn’t happen very often, but even one track that it won’t add the acousticid fingerprint to, will stop a full run from getting any. Even if all the other tracks would run perfectly and get added if that one was excluded.

Hi, actually I thought I had fixed the problem but found that I hadn’t. I then realized if an error occurs that stops Jaikoz looking up acoustids it won’t actually be reported in the logs, I’ve now fixed that so I just need someone to try out the build, replicate the problem and send me the logs as I can’t seem to get the problem to occur locally.

So the Windows version is available from if you would like to try.

Awesome! Going to download it and try it out. I will post the results and send you the support files as well.

Great, yes the support files are key as I haven’t fixed the problem yet, but using this version I should be able to determine what the problem is. It would make sense for you to manually to delete the contents of the Jaikoz logs folder before you start so that I only get the logs I’m interested in.

I loaded 2 albums, one of them that caused jaikoz to stop adding the fingerprints in the latest live version. Looks like it is now working for me. I haven’t verified the actual ids are correct or not, but they are now being added :slight_smile:

I have sent you the support files. Please let me know if you need any other tests or files.

Thanks again!

Hmm, I did apply one fix but that still didnt work for Alfg, since then Ive only applied correct logging so I haven’t fully fixed it. So if you do encounter the problem again please send your support files.

Will do. I am going to try it out now on a 25k load with about half missing fingerprints.

Just finished a batch of 25k songs with about 13k missing fingerprints. It took a few hours but it was able to fingerprint all of them except the few that were only a few seconds long. It even found about 12,300 acoustic ids for them. Working well for me. Thanks! :slight_smile: