@paultaylor - I am new here and do not (yet) downloaded a SonyKong software version. I want to be sure to get what I’ll need 
If I am wrong here with Roon/SongKong related queries, or if there is a thread where my queries are answered already, please point me in the right direction 
I do use Roon for quite some time now (having approx. 5,000 albums are in my library there) and I am happy with Roon. Unfortunately however, heavy editing in Roon causes trouble with the Roon performance. To avoid this, the Roon community recommends that an external metadata service shall be used.
My three main requests are:
- editing tracks with “Recording location”
- editing tracks with “Recording start date” and “Recording end date”
- editing albums with “Original date of release”
I do need a programm (SongKong?) which would be able to ( a.) update the metadata sets as good and as complete as possible for all my albums in my library automatically, and ( b.) allows manual editing, and ( c.) will be recognized by Roon correctly (if “metadata preference - prefer file” is used).
Can you/SongKong help me with this issue? Which SonKong version to use (and how)?
All the best