SongKong Jaikoz

SongKong and Jaikoz Music Tagger Community Forum

A bad start

Jaikoz writes to the field LYRICS yes, Flac uses vorbiscomment which doesnt define a definitive list of field names so I expect MP3TAg uses UNSYNCEDLYRICS. Neither program is wrong its just unfortunate that not all applications use the same field.

You then say the lyrics are now added by Jaikoz and play back in the track info visualisation, which program are you using to play them back ?

JRiver Media Center

Okay, so the problem as you see it is you have to add an unsychronised lyrics field in mp3tag before Jaikoz can find a lyric and add it to the file as a lyrics field.

Hmm, doesn’t make much sense this it seems unlikely this is the cause.