SongKong Jaikoz

SongKong and Jaikoz Music Tagger Community Forum

8.10 Hangs when doing initial scan

I just upgraded to 8.10 and when running “status Report”, it hangs. Have tried 10+ times.
Library has over 35K songs in it
Mac OS 13.2

We didn’t (knowingly) modify anything in 8.10 regarding Status Report and I just tested it and it works okay for me. So please try File:Empty Database in case your database is corrupted and try again, if continues to fail please run Create Support Files

Support file uploaded

Hi, looking at the Errors and Warnings tab I can see message about lack of memory

This should not usually happen, but as it has you should try doubling the amount of memory used. By default on a Mac the maximum is set to a quarter of the actual memory available, but you can set this to a specific value here. So in your case I would recommend setting it to -Xmx16G to use a maximum of 16GB instead of 8GB.

Actually it looks like after failure you have just kept on retrying without restarting. If you simply close SongKong, restart and then retry that may resolve it.